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September, this tunnel

"Ah wait, I'm going through a tunnel, it might cut ". It's kind of what I could/should have (ass) tell you 15 days ago… Indeed, it cut. Unable to find the time to come and sit on my blog for a few minutes.

September. I say it every year. There are 3 hellish months in a year:December, June and September.

There is not.

You may be well prepared, the pace is untenable. Rather satisfied, the dark circles only reappeared around the 20th of the month. I think I hit hard on this one.

It's fine so eh. I just chained as I could between (a lot) of work, the children, the shopping lists a little more loaded at this time, because you finally need another notebook then a 2nd pair of sneakers, without forgetting this drawing board and this swimsuit which had become strangely too small the day before the swimming pool. I ran, like all of you huh:no need to send me medals. (Whatever in chocolate I want)

In the mess of my head and my emotions.

Back to college J + almost 1 month:everything is fine. She finally has her Imagin'R pass, her canteen card, her definitive schedule, friends from the neighborhood to go (and come back) together. She is fine. Then less well. Then very well. Then do the face. Then laughs, then yells at his brother, then plays with him. NORMAL SO.
She resumed Hip Hop:1st activity ever that she continues for a second year. I'm considering requesting that this event be reclassified as a miracle. She will also do boxing on Saturday morning, she came out of the first lesson empty. As much to tell you that I am delighted, it will allow him to let off steam! Tomorrow she is testing a "fun" English class that she could take after lunch on Wednesday. We'll come back to all this when I've settled down a little more...

Back to CM2 + almost 1 month:everything is fine. We picked up the Rubik's Cube fad (and my intergalactic crap about it) where we left off in June. Which does not lighten the schoolbags. Now a boxer twice a week, a designer starting out in the workshop one evening instead of studying, not to mention a piano player – the day before class and during class – ahem, he resumed his routine based on "I m' bored at school" and "I want to play". I could say "get your baccalaureate first", but no. So I almost plan these hours of play for him and I enjoy.

and my return to me?! it started with a beautiful portrait in Le Parisien , a live passage in the Maison des Maternelles , a mention in a World article on the "slashers", these "people" who have several activities (which was my case a few months ago), I will soon also speak on TEVA, as well as in a symposium on road safety and family journeys . At Com&Kids we also have some great news this fall:a major press launch, new brands that have chosen us to support them in their communication actions. It's awesome, it's magic, it's exactly what I love to do.

So, I juggle, in real life I love it, but I'm really exhausted. Thinking about everything, all the time, my head has no interest in letting go, it's my GPS, my diary, my post-its. Think about making a slight detour between two meetings to go to Decathlon to pick up the famous sneakers. Don't forget the crisps on the return trip for the P'tit picnic the next day. Back to work after the first dinner service. Manage children's anger, listen to them, recite a lesson, remind them that it's shower time. That if, you still have to take it today. Confiscating a phone, filling out the forms, finding plane tickets to send to my parents on the next vacation… OH HELP

Everything is fine.

and at home then??