Family Best Time >> Family

Summer 2018 – round #1

A few days before the end of the 1st round, I'm taking the mouse to give you some news!

But first, I show you the 11th birthday gifts! This year, it was very simple (like everything happens), he asked for a guitar and "to share" with the grandparents, a lego!

Summer 2018 – round #1

Summer 2018 – round #1

This 1st round of vacation, therefore, is very classic:the children left at the beginning of the month, by plane therefore in UM (compulsory for the P'tit Grand of 11 years old and I pay for his big sister so that it is easier and they stay together, we'll see next year when we don't "have to" do that anymore). Go to my parents. We are at grandpa and grandma's, with the swimming pool, the garden and the fruit salads at snack time. YOU SURPRISE ME.

New all the same this year, the teenager then left for a few days with a friend a few kilometers away, leaving his brother alone. So overwhelmed. THE POOR.

During this time, poor mother abandoned by her darling little hearts (Is that okay, I've done enough?), I had to fight hard against my sadness, desperate, I threw myself into work of course.


(but not only)

Tidying up, ordering school supplies (this year, I changed my official supplies supplier, I also strongly recommend MaRentré (via this link, you will have 5€ and 10% off your 1st order), sale of toys, books that they sorted before leaving to make a few pennies of pocket money.

Summer 2018 – round #1

And then, of course, moments for two, afterwork with friends without looking at your watch and several in the same week, cinema, TV set, empty fridge...

I admit everything:I'm just starting to miss them, I needed to let them go for a bit, to let the pressure off

Well, I hadn't expected that the voltage would also drop, to 9... that's another story.

Must say that I give myself tunes, but the pace is still as strong even in their absence. It's just a little different. I'm enjoying being without that "constraint" there. I think I deserve it given the still very trying school year we have just had.

So and you? What's the plan for this summer?