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Being a father today:everything you need to know

Being a father today:everything you need to know

Becoming a dad today is no small feat! While there is still a gendered distribution within the family organization, the role of fathers has continued to evolve in recent years. The stereotypes arguing that children are necessarily a woman's affair are gradually tending to dwindle to make way for a new and very trendy concept:new fathers!

Are you going to become a dad, or do you want to take a new look at this role? Discover with us what it means to be a father today and how this decisive role for the construction of the child has evolved.

New fathers:finding their place in the family unit

The National Union of Family Associations, also called UNAF, has carried out a survey in which it reports on the evolution of the role of the father within the family unit since the second half of the 20th century.

The place of the father from 1950 to the present day

Parenthood models underwent a real revolution in the second half of the 20th century. How to explain this evolution ? The 20th century was the scene of many movements demanding gender equality. He also saw the entry

mass participation of women in the labor market, gradually restoring equity in the distribution of tasks. Profound restructuring has thus gradually emerged in the family institution.

Make way for the modern dad

Are you familiar with the term "new fathers" whose origins date back nearly 50 years? The trend appeared during the 1970s, but it was not until 1990 that the phenomenon really took off. This new dad breaks with traditional models of education. This father is more involved in the life of the child, he carries out certain household chores and can even go so far as to abandon his professional ambitions in favor of a better organization of the family unit and its balance. Exit working dads, welcome chicken dads! From now on, the playgrounds are taken over by invested fathers proudly carrying their offspring in baby carriers!

Nevertheless, despite this growing paternal investment, many fathers admit to suffering from a frequent devaluation of their role. Some men even go so far as to denounce a real injustice in the attribution of custody to the mother, which is often systematic in the event of separation. The Ministry of Justice has in fact established that only 12% of children had been entrusted to their father in 2014.

Becoming a father:rethinking a whole new organization

Becoming a parent means looking at your life in a completely different way and rethinking an equitable organization within the home.

Taking care of the home

Stereotypes sometimes have a hard tooth! For many years, taking care of the home is no longer reserved for the fairer sex ! Laundry, cleaning, shopping, the modern man and father is more and more invested in the organization of the house. Despite everything, this development seems to be dragging its feet somewhat:according to an IFOP survey carried out at the end of 2019, 73% of women questioned said they do more than their spouse.

Gentlemen, have you thought about drawing up a schedule for the distribution of tasks for maximum equity within the household? Some applications such as Familywall allow management of harmonized schedules between spouses!

Taking care of your child

We are not born a father, we become one. When a baby is born, real learning takes place and the best preparation never outweighs experience. The father will have to learn to change, feed and even put his child to bed, tasks that were once exclusively reserved for the mother. To help with the family organization, the young dad can take care of medical appointments or even leisure. Bringing his child to school or helping him with his homework every day are special moments frequently shared between the father and his child.

Are you afraid of feeling overwhelmed? Don't panic, the French government, in association with the WHO, has launched the 1000 Premiers Jours platform, which aims to support parents and provide the best advice during the first three years of their children's lives. The site shows you how to benefit from easier access to care, accompanies you with questions relating to nutrition and advises you on the childcare options available. Become young parents knowledgeable about your child's education in just 1000 days! Why not take part in a workshop for the future dad? This new trend, spread across the four corners of France, advocates an assumed paternity. It consists of an immersion in the role of father by developing the skills necessary to take care of a child and build a unique relationship with him.

Extension of paternity leave in 2021:a real revolution!

Paternity leave on hiatus since 2002

July 2021, a date that probably means nothing to you, but which nevertheless marked a major step forward in the family life of millions of French people: extending paternity leave . Paternity leave had not changed since its introduction in 2002, making France one of the worst students in Europe.

What changed

Before July 2021, fathers had three days of birth leave following the arrival of their baby, to which were added the 11 days of paternity leave to be taken within six months. From now on, four days must be taken after the three days of birth leave, to which are added 21 days. The duration of paternity leave has therefore been doubled! A godsend for moms who can rely more on you, gentlemen!

Good to know:paternity leave is fully covered by social security . It is up to your employer to send your salary certificate necessary for the payment of your allowances.

Don't skip any steps, you will have your whole life to learn how to be the best father there is for the apple of your eye. Before considering your future paternity, discover how to calmly prepare for the arrival of your baby.

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