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The Christmas truffle:the recipe that will make everyone agree

The Christmas truffle:the recipe that will make everyone agree

For Christmas, of course, clementines and papillotes are out, and they even put on their 31, so to speak... Yes, but the real star of sweet mouths this holiday season is this little delicate ball that we like to prepare by hand and often with the family... In this content, we are going to offer you a truffle recipe that you will adopt immediately after having tasted it, it's guaranteed... So, of course, do not expect a revolution of the palate, a truffle remains a truffle, and if you do not like chocolate, you can go your way, but if on the contrary you are fond of truffles, then take the time to browse this content , you will not regret it

Contents 1 Our recipe for the ultimate truffles 1.1 The necessary ingredients:1.2 The preparation:

In order to delight your guests, your relatives, your children and your grandchildren, Christmas is the ideal time, since almost no one will blame you for offering chocolate or small sweet dishes between don't deprive yourself of it, that would be a shame!

Our recipe is a small variant which offers a slightly superior finesse in the mouth to the so-called traditional preparation and which, let's face it, is a little more popular with adults than with children (but don't be afraid, the latter love them too!).

But without further ado, let's get to the heart of the matter, and craft our delicious truffles!

The Christmas truffle:the recipe that will make everyone agree

Our recipe for the ultimate truffles

Preparation for 4 people, i.e. between 20 and 30 truffles depending on the truffle templates you are going to make by hand.

  • Difficulty:Very Easy
  • Budget:Average
  • Preparation time:25 to 30 minutes (but total time of around 2 hours with the chocolate resting in the fridge)

Ingredients needed:

  • 240 g to 250 g dark pastry chocolate (70%)
  • 100 g fresh cream (30% fat)
  • 25 g to 30 g unsalted butter
  • unsweetened cocoa powder (such as Van Houten)
  • a tonka bean


  1. You will start by breaking the chocolate into small pieces or squares in a container which you will then heat in a bain-marie until all the chocolate melts. Stir well all along with a wooden spatula or a rubber spatula.
  2. As the chocolate melts, add the butter which you can cut into small pieces as you go. Once the butter has melted well into the chocolate, make sure that it incorporates well and that you obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Heat the cream in a saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil.
  4. Add the cream to the chocolate then again, stir well using your utensil, until you obtain a homogeneous and smooth mixture.
  5. Take your tonka bean and grate about half of it into the chocolate before mixing well again.
  6. Now you can put your container in the fridge and leave it there for an hour to an hour and a half, so that the chocolate regains some of its hardness and can be a little easier to shape.
  7. Remove the dish from the fridge, then make small balls by picking the partially hardened chocolate with a teaspoon and rolling it between your fingers.
  8. You can now roll your balls in the cocoa powder by hand, then arrange them one by one on a dish, in the shape of a pyramid why not?!

You're done with preparing your truffles, and if you still have a bit of patience, you can let them cool completely...or not!

As you have understood, our recipe is not a revolution of the palate (if you allow us the expression…), since overall, it is out of the ordinary only by the use of tonka bean…

Yes but there you go, don't we say that "the Devil is in the details"?... Well if that's the case, that would then explain why this light and subtle taste inflection of the tonka bean, will literally transcend the taste of your truffles and capsize the taste buds of all those who taste them...

It will be up to you to reveal your little secret to your loved ones, or to keep it to yourself, much like a great wizard keeps the formula of his most powerful charm...

But what is certain is that everyone will remember your truffles for a long time!!!