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Flower week for bees

Flower week for bees

Sow and plant billions of flowers for bees

Contents 1 Sow and plant billions of flowers for the bees 2 From June 14 to 23, let's save the bees! 3 Plant professionals are committed to the week of flowers for bees 3.1 In June, we have an appointment with the bees!

VAL'HOR, the French interprofession of horticulture, floristry and landscape, and the French Observatory of Apidology, are organizing the third edition of Flower Week for Bees which will take place from June 14 to 23, 2019.

Faced with the decrease in the food resources of pollinators, plant professionals, nurserymen, horticulturists, florists, garden centres, landscape gardeners, are mobilizing to enable everyone to act in favor of the environment and thus highlight one of the many benefits of plants.

Several events will be organized throughout France in order to make as many people as possible aware of the issues of pollination and thus offer billions of flowers for bees, to plant and sow in their garden and to place on their balcony and terrace.

From June 14 to 23, let's save the bees!

From June 14 to 23, during Flower Week for Bees, billions of honey flowers, essential to bees, will be sown. This operation will make it possible to strengthen their diet this summer. With the help of everyone, this meeting will once again be one of the largest mobilization operations undertaken in favor of a species threatened with extinction.

Flower week for bees

Flower week for bees

Let's sow and plant for a week trees, plants, honey flowers that will be available from thousands of nurseries, horticulturists, florists, garden centers...

It's urgent. All over the planet bee colonies are collapsing in significant and abnormal proportions with significant consequences to fear because nearly 1/3 of the world's harvests depend on pollination. This decline encounters another reality:demography. 60 years ago, we were 2.5 billion on the planet. We are 3 times more today and in 2030, the Earth will have to support 1 billion additional beings. 2030 is already tomorrow!

How can we hope to feed our population without the help of pollinators? Without bees, we would have a planet without flowers, without fruits, without vegetables. There is still time to act. On a daily basis, we can limit the use of pesticides and in June, a simple gesture repeated by each of us, will provide the bees with enough to feed, multiply and ensure the future of the following generations of bees... and humans. .

Flower week for bees

Plant professionals are committed to the week of flowers for bees

Cherry trees, arbutus, heather, honeysuckle, broom, lavender, myrtle, tamarisk, viburnum, yarrow, aster, bellflower, cornflower, cosmos, foxglove*… are widely available from plant professionals during Flower Week for Bees !

Throughout France, garden centres, florists, horticulturists, nurseries and landscapers will mobilize from June 14 to 23, 2019 to highlight plants that are attractive to pollinators. They will be geolocated on the website from June 2019. VAL'HOR, the French Interprofession of horticulture, floristry and landscaping, in partnership with the French Observatory of Apidology, provides A communication kit is available to them:it will thus be easy to identify plants that are attractive to pollinators in order to allow everyone to act in favor of the environment by flowering gardens, balconies and terraces!

Thanks to this operation, the French horticulture, floristry and landscaping sector will be keen to highlight one of the many benefits of plants.

Flower week for bees


In June, we have a date with the bees!