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Children and parents, why subscribe to a magazine?

Children and parents, why subscribe to a magazine?

Have you ever leafed through magazines in the doctor's waiting room or during your treatments at the beautician? I don't know about you, but for my part, I always get frustrated when I come across interesting articles and have to give up reading. It is the same for my children, who would like to be able to continue their story in their youth magazine!

Contents 1 Why subscribe to magazines? 2 The advantages of magazines 3 The interest of reading for children

It's also annoying to find that all the copies of your favorite magazine have already been sold out. I let you imagine your child's frustration if his Journal de Mickey is no longer available! What if we thought about subscriptions, so that we no longer have this problem?

Why subscribe to magazines?

You can buy your magazine at the bookstore or at the kiosk on your return from work, for yourself or to please your children. So why take out a magazine subscription? First, because you will receive your magazine or review directly in your mailbox . No more traveling to do, no waking up early in the morning to be sure of having the possibility of buying your magazine. You will be among the first to read it , because the delivery will be a few days before the magazine is available in stores.

I also decided to subscribe to all the favorite magazines of the family, because price-wise, it's much more advantageous ! I can benefit from a discount of up to 40% depending on the magazine. Compared to the rates applied in bookstores and kiosks, I find it economical.

In addition, in the event that the price of your magazine increases, with a subscription, you will have nothing to fear. You will still receive your magazine every month without you being impacted by the price change. And depending on the season or the holidays, you can take advantage of various offers that will allow you to have your magazines at a reduced price.

Children and parents, why subscribe to a magazine?

Taking out a subscription is also the opportunity to receive gifts with your magazine. They are often different from those that accompany magazines on newsstands. Depending on the publisher you subscribe to, you can take advantage of a “Happy or your money back” guarantee.

By adopting a subscription, you can also benefit from several payment methods . The easiest way will be to opt for the annual subscription. and pay in one go for your 12 magazines of the year. Its amount is higher all of a sudden, but by doing your calculations, you will see that it is more economical. Otherwise, you can opt for the quarterly direct debit and therefore subscribe for three months. The choice is entirely yours, find the one that suits you the most.

The benefits of magazines

Magazines are readings that allow you to cultivate yourself, to constantly discover new things. As for the awakening of children, it will also be great! This will inspire them to read and engage with news stories written to be understood by younger people. The images and colors used are chosen to invite readers, young and old, to browse the pages.

Even if the traditional press is a little less successful these days, the fact remains that it is much more reliable in terms of information than the web . For parents, the magazines allow them to discover various advice and lessons on the education of their children.

I think magazines are also made for entertainment. On weekends, or when the kids are at school or taking a nap, I give myself a quiet and relaxed moment by reading a magazine like Elle or Art &Decoration , or by doing a sudoku or a crossword. They allow you to find tips for taking care of myself or decoration ideas to beautify the house. Men prefer news magazines like Le Journal du Dimanche or sports magazines as well as the TV magazine.

Everyone in the family will find benefits in reading a magazine. Their contents are very often timeless. You can receive your magazine today and only start reading next week, the topics covered will still be relevant.

The interest of reading for children

I urge you to encourage your children to read from an early age. Whether it's Mickey's Diary , Mickey Junior , Scrapbook Magazine or Disney Girl , this type of reading can accompany children once they have learned to read. They will discover different stories, improve their reading skills , will learn new words. Children can also have fun playing the games in these magazines.

Children and parents, why subscribe to a magazine?

However, children's magazines are not just entertainment. It is also a learning method highly appreciated by professionals. In addition to traditional books filled with pages of text and a few pages of illustrations, children open up to a more varied reading . The images they contain also have their role in teaching, because their impact will be greater depending on the age of your child. In addition, the magazines are not likely to break down and do not require an internet connection!

It is important to choose the right magazine for your little one. For the youngest, opt for Tralalire , the I like to read or Mickey Junior . They will find adventures all in colors and images with some texts to read. You can also give them magazines like Astrapi to read. or Yippee .

Refer to the age range displayed on the magazine to choose the right one for your child. The older ones will appreciate the magazines with games and jokes that they can repeat to their classmates.

Receive your favorite magazine every month and start reading without worrying about buying the next magazine. Take out a subscription for each member of the family to establish a moment of reading and sharing at home. To encourage reading, gather in one room and designate a place for everyone. With your nose in the magazines, you will enjoy a quiet moment with your children, fascinated by the adventures of their favorite heroes . Reading your magazines will then be a privileged moment to share with your family.