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Dear teachers and masters

Empty classrooms, an empty schoolyard. Last week we couldn't imagine anything with this. At the time, you and the team ensured a good occupation of the school. Teachers with complaints stayed at home. Everything for the health of the children. And the rest of the team received all primary school students in their own group. cheers. We parents could just go to work. Or sports. Or shopping. It never occurred to us to come up with schedules and schedules differently than we normally always did.

Table of contents

Empty classrooms and switching like mad

Now everything is different. For everyone. Sunday evening 15 March, after the press conference, you immediately switched. There must be a plan for the children and parents must be informed. The empty classrooms are already a fact, even if it's only Sunday.

Unlike many others, you did show up at your regular workplace last Monday morning. At your school. To take care of children with parents who are active in the vital processes. This also includes your profession. Or rather, your calling. Because I think that's often the job of a teacher. A calling. There is no crowds this Monday morning. No children's bicycles, no children playing and no parents in a hurry. Empty classrooms. It's empty everywhere. And that feels strange. You do not know how to act in this situation. Logically, because nobody knows that.

In this bizarre situation you are going to work hard. Weekly plans are made for the children. Teaching packages are composed and neatly clear instructions are emailed around. Every effort is made to provide the children with an education. Although the classrooms remain empty.

Mutual understanding

Parents will be thanked by email for their cooperation. Fortunately, there is also understanding from the school. For us parents. They understand that different things are now expected of parents. That we also have to improvise. Hopefully we as parents will soon understand you. If it turns out that our children have fallen behind. Or that not all teaching material has been obtained.

Because we have to do this together. And your teachers are taking a fantastic lead here. You just deliver. The right materials, plans and books. Your loyalty and commitment is admirable. So I received a call from the teacher. “How are you? And with your child? Is it still missing something? Because then I'll bring it."

Instruction table at the dining table

My head, like the schoolyard and classrooms, is empty. Sometimes I don't even know. Where is this going? I shut off my worried thoughts for a while. My child needs help with math. I'm here for him. I dive into his book… fractions and decimals… not my thing. I try to give a good explanation. Just like you normally do. I think. Although the instruction table is now the dining table. Full of laptops, books and telephones, but without classmates. But it turns out, your explanation is much clearer according to my son 😉 . Fortunately, the school also included an answer booklet for parents.

Let's hope everyone adheres to the guidelines so that we can spread the Corona outbreak. And that we can all go to work again soon and you to school. And that the empty classrooms are filled again.

Deep bow and big compliments

Dear, very dear teachers and masters. Thank you! A very deep bow and big compliments for all your efforts and involvement.

Love from a very grateful parent!