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A teenage girl's phone must meet high standards!

One minute they can't read and write… And the next they're typing all day long. Is your teenager also quite mobile? Unless you want to reach them, right? Our not so little girl, at least. Our teenage girl's phone is red hot and barely has a moment of rest. And so she also had certain requirements when purchasing, which her new 'right hand' had to meet.

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Little girls grow up (just like their smartphones)

Many children are already 'mobile' in primary school. The difference is that at this age they are still perfectly satisfied with an old device from mom or dad. Especially when children start using a mobile phone for the first time. Once they hit puberty, that's over. They are going to make higher demands on everything. So also on their phone 😉 .

Now not all adolescent wishes are equally reasonable. But I understand that their phone has to comply with certain things. Moreover, otherwise they just 'borrow' yours, that's how it always went here! So orient yourself well before you buy a smartphone for your adolescent, if you are already that far. In this blog you can read what her phone had to meet according to our own teenage girl.

The checklist for our teenage girl's telephone

The time when a game of snake was the maximum achievable entertainment from your phone is of course long gone. Do you keep track of what today's teenagers are doing on their phones? Our teenage girl knew exactly what her phone had to be able to do!

App, app and app again

Texting is the new calling. And so you cannot reach any adolescent with a phone that is not 'smart'. Of course, I would almost say. But texting isn't the only thing a teenage girl wants to do on her phone.

A teenage girl's phone must have more memory than herself!

Is your teenager also so unbelievably absent-minded? When they still have to get their pocket money, there is suddenly nothing wrong with their memory… But otherwise it does not work well. For example, when cleaning up or doing chores.

Make sure your teenage girl's (or son's) phone has more memory than she does. Because you can bet that a lot of games apps have to fit.

A good camera (with slomo function)

A real teenager can also be in a very slow mood from time to time. And our teenage girl expects exactly the same from her telephone. She not only wanted a good camera to take beautiful pictures… But that camera also had to have the slomo function. She is completely devoted to making Tiktok videos. Has it penetrated your home too? To be fair, mom and dad have just as much fun with it as the kids themselves.

… And this is important to us parents!

As soon as your children have a smartphone, they enter a digital world that you as a parent simply have less insight into. And so we thought it was the most important thing to talk about it with our children. Explain to them the dangers surrounding social media. Do you ever look into your teenager's phone? Or have you made certain agreements to make their smartphone use as safe as possible?

Finally, Mom and Dad thought something else very important. Because an adolescent can, last but not least, also be quite clumsy. How many times those phones have fallen here already! And so we immediately scored something for our teenage girl's phone… A good phone case that can take a beating, such as one of the galaxy a71 cases from Because sometimes the phone has to be protected against the adolescent owner!

What requirements does your adolescent set when it comes to their smartphone?