Family Best Time >> Family

I want to meet new faces!

1/ Play with the internet….and take action in real life. Because having REAL fun with people is still better than being stuck behind your keyboard, right? So hop, we connect and when we hang on, we propose a real appointment, with spontaneity. Isn't life short enough to beat yourself up over something that's supposed to be cool, huh? So on the Love side, the number of sites is not lacking, between the Star apps (Tinder, Meetic,…), the little news (Once, Part Time Love), the original ones (AperoCélib, Choisis Ta Voix, HiDine, PlayMe, Run2Meet… ). On the "other" side (Love And Friends), we have... Viadeo (and why not?), Colunching or ForMeetable! Not to mention the Facebook groups where you can engage in fascinating conversations with strangers... In short:it's up to you to find the site that suits you the most!

2/ Leisure. The top? It's meeting people around a friendly activity that makes us laugh! It can be running training (Adidas' Boost Battle Run or Nike racing), bodybuilding, zumba, Jukari or even Ultimate! And why not take the opportunity to develop your artistic flair? Drawing lessons, philosophy cafés, Gospel lessons, marching band, we have a PLEASURE!

3/ Associations. A cause close to your heart? So why not enlarge your circle with people who fight for the same ideals as you? From the Colibris movement to Dreams, Stop Harcèlement de rue, Sos Attitude, WWF, the Red Cross or Un enfant par la main for example, thousands of people would be delighted to meet you and receive your help! So here we go!

4/ Get out of your comfort zone and do something crazy. In other words:give yourself a little kick in the ass by daring to approach a stranger or by organizing aperitifs for example, daring to travel solo, renting someone else's house like in The Holiday or even going to holiday centers to adults! Because it's not just in movies that you can afford that... Have you ever wondered what you would do if you weren't afraid anymore?

5/ Know yourself and take care of yourself. The base. Because by loving yourself, by pampering yourself and by being good in your skin and in your head, we dare more, we are more relaxed, we know better where our heart wants to go and we are more able to give love. . All the more reason to do good! 😉