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Chocolate:an original birth gift!

Chocolate:an original birth gift!

We rarely think of it as a birth gift, but chocolate is an original and unusual idea that will please both mom and dad! Alright, it's true, probably a little more to mom 😉! But it remains a pleasure synonymous with comfort and ideal sharing for couples of new parents. In the form of boxes or in a more original form, here are some ideas for chocolate birth gifts that are sure to delight new parents.

Contents 1 Chocolate gift boxes 2 Original chocolates

Chocolate gift boxes

Gift boxes of chocolate assortments remain a great classic but are no less effective! Receiving a box of good chocolates is always a pleasant surprise. A real moment of welcome comfort after the ordeal of childbirth and the cries of the baby.

We are talking about exceptional chocolates here! We forget the boxes of low-end chocolates or those found in supermarkets; the birth of a baby is much better than that! The boxes of chocolates from the Meilleurs Ouvrier Chocolatier de France and the Great Names of Chocolate will have a much greater effect both visually and in taste! Here are some names to remember to be sure to have quality chocolate:Fabrice Gillotte, Pierre Hermé, Patrick Roger, Pascal Caffet... These chocolate makers are always in search of excellence and reinvent themselves each season to offer ever more creative and original boxes. Just follow their Instagram to salivate! What offer a real birth gift combining high-end and greed to future parents!

The original chocolates

If you want a little more fantasy for your birth gift, there are of course creative chocolates in terms of their shape and decoration. These simple or very advanced creations are also an ideal birth gift. However, beware of moving… Chocolate is a fragile thing and a car trip can quickly turn into a disaster when you try to transport a sculpture or a somewhat complex chocolate mold. Fortunately, there are delivery services that can deliver directly to future parents. Among all our searches for chocolate gift ideas, we fell in love with these little chocolate bears that will make a perfect gift. Plus, they come in all colors to match the season and the event!

Chocolate:an original birth gift!

It's up to you to find the favorite animals of future parents and find their chocolate equivalent. It will be a sure hit! Owls, hedgehogs, rabbits, cats, dogs, mice... our French chocolate creators continue to produce new adorable molds every year to diversify the offer on the market. Just a word of warning, creative chocolate should not make you lose sight of the quality of chocolate. A beautiful chocolate will not automatically be a good chocolate! This is why we recommend that you stay with the well-known and above all recognized names in Chocolate. Choose from all the creative chocolates from the Maîtres Chocolatiers of France.