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Ideas for creative activities in rainy weather

Ideas for creative activities in rainy weather

Finding activities to pass the time on a rainy day is a real challenge. As children get older, it becomes more and more difficult to occupy them. Here are some ideas for creative activities, ideal for rainy weather.

Contents 1 Paint by numbers 2 Magic sand 3 Simply cooking!

Painting by numbers

This first activity is a creative and fun way to pass the time when it rains. If painting by numbers was first thought for adults, it also adapts very well to children.

Kits such as those found on online sites such as offer you multiple possibilities to test the magic coloring . The goal is to paint small numbered areas with the color(s) corresponding to those numbers. The supports are sold with all the necessary equipment to create real works of art. These kits also exist for adults, a real relaxing activity for weekends with friends.

This activity is ideal for relieving stress and I quickly hijacked this concept to make it moments of family relaxation .

Unlike conventional painting materials, the tools available in these kits are non-toxic. If the concept may at first be perplexing, the results are often astonishing. No need to be a great artist or to have special skills in the field of art to find your account. Painting by numbers is practiced at all ages!

Ideas for creative activities in rainy weather

Magic sand

Popular for a few seasons, magic sand is one of the favorite activities of children. It doesn't take much to attract them and allow them to spend a few hours in peace. On rainy days, this activity will allow you to propose creative challenges to toddlers.

You can also surprise yourself by getting caught up in the game! I discovered this game a bit by chance, but I quickly adopted it because of its anti-stress effect. Magic sand is one of those materials that we always want to handle and whose touch is particularly pleasant.

For children, it can be used to create all kinds of objects. Some kits come with molds , while others let their little users run their imaginations. It is also a material that you can make at home with a few cheap ingredients. All you need is a few cups of flour, colored chalk, a little oil and airtight bags to make your own magic sand.

Cooking, simply!

You might be amazed at how much kids love to cook! Small preparations are experiences they enjoy and that allow them to understand what you are doing in the kitchen. I hesitated for a long time before letting my children participate in the kitchen.

Indeed, like many parents, I considered this space as dangerous for young children with few reflexes. With a few precautions and good supervision, there's no reason why cooking shouldn't become one of their favorite activities on rainy days. You can also take advantage of these privileged moments to pass on to them recipes handed down by your parents or grandparents.