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5 Ideas To Keep Kids Occupied On Rainy Days.

5 Ideas To Keep Kids Occupied On Rainy Days.

It's raining, and the children are at home:what a hassle!

Here are 5 ideas to occupy them easily and with very simple and inexpensive means.

Rainy days quickly become the parents' nightmare as long as the little ones are on vacation or it's Wednesday.

If they can't play outside , it quickly turns to disaster, between arguments, cries and complaints like "mom, dad, I'm bored !"

But that's without counting on our tips to occupy them with 3 times nothing.

1. Cooking

A great classic, but which always has its effect . And then we can never repeat enough that when we cook, we revise at the same time, seemingly nothing!

From the reading: read the recipe and the list of ingredients,

Some math: weigh, count, convert,

Science: observe and experience,

fine motor skills: cut, separate the yolks from the whites, mix.

And manipulate remains a great pleasure for the children! I choose easy recipes (simple or filled pancakes), without cooking for the little ones (salads with all sorts of ingredients), and without too technical a gesture. I stay to supervise , but I can sit in a corner with a book when everything is rolling! And after the production, the tasting !

2. Multi-voice reading

To do with the biggest , who are delighted to show their know-how. I choose a book they like and where there are dialogues quite numerous, and several characters .

It's even better (at least easier) if it's a real children's play. Each child chooses a character, and one must also take the role of the narrator .

Here we go, we start to read aloud this story that will take on a completely different look than when you are alone alone with your book... And there may even be attentive listeners , who will then make their comments. A great way to rediscover the books you love.

3. Play baccalaureate

Children who can read and write continue to acclaim this game, despite its cheesy side!

You do not know ? All you need is one sheet , which you divide into several columns where the chosen categories will appear (first name, country, animals, flowers, fruits, etc.) and in lines, one for each letter which will be drawn at the start of the game.

In a limited time, each player must find and write one word from each category which begins with the letter output.

We only count the words that have not been found by the others. If you do all the letters of the alphabet, it can take hours... And even adults get caught up in the game!

4. Decoupage collage drawing

Here is an activity that I often tested with my kindergarten students and that the children loved.

The advantage is that it involves several skills and so they don't have time to get bored. I give each child a blank sheetA4 size and a catalog La Redoute style.

The instructions: cut out a face they like, then stick it on the sheet in the upper part. Then draw with colored markers the body that goes with this face, without forgetting anything, as well as her clothes , and all the decorations that go with it.

If there are several children, we get a nice gallery of portraits ! And in general, they ask for more and thus create several characters each...

5. The treasure hunt

We can very well organize a treasure hunt in the House. It takes a little preparation , but the game is worth the candle.

1. I start by choosing the treasure that you will have to find (a large packet of sweets, a book, small toys, a cake, etc.) to be adapted according to the age of the children.

2. I place the puzzles which will have to lead the players step by step to the next clues . It is also possible to find a treasure hunt kit on the internet. And that's a busy two hours!

Do you have any tips for keeping the kids busy on rainy days? Come and let us know by leaving a comment.