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How to get pregnant effectively?

How to get pregnant effectively?

If your current life project includes the arrival of a child, then congratulations! However, you may be a little lost on the organization of this fabulous project to know:when is the right time?

Contents 1 Be healthy 2 Increase your frequency of intercourse 3 The ovulation test 4 Fight stress and anxiety 5 Reduce your caffeine intake 6 Have orgasms 6.1 **** 6.2 Do you have any other advice? to give?

Be healthy

Certain health problems can counter a baby project. This can be influenced by taking a specific treatment, certain pathologies, obesity or, on the contrary, extreme thinness.

This is why it is recommended to visit a doctor so that he can establish a medical report and give you the best advice.

Increase the frequency of your reports

The best way to increase your chances of getting pregnant is to make sure you have sex often and at the right time.

If you have regular cycles, you will ovulate about 2 weeks before your period. This means that your fertile period will occur within 7 days before your expected ovulation. On the other hand, if you have irregular cycles, it can be a little more difficult to predict your next ovulation!

The ovulation test

Precisely, for women with irregular menstrual cycles, you can get an ovulation test. It works like a urine pregnancy test, but instead of telling you that you are pregnant, it will tell you whether or not you are ovulating.

This will allow you to organize your baby project as well as possible and bring out the big game!

Fight stress and anxiety

Human beings are naturally stressed, and they are all the more so when a baby trial fails to succeed. This applies to both men and women!

Try to regulate your anxiety level to a minimum by exercising or meditating. In general, find an activity that will help you regain your composure. Studies show that a high level of stress-related alpha-amylase enzymes can cause fertility issues. So stay calm if you want to get pregnant!

How to get pregnant effectively?

Reduce your caffeine intake

We have bad news for coffee lovers as a study has revealed that drinking more than one cup a day can have a negative impact on fertility.

Caffeine directly affects the fallopian tubes responsible for transporting eggs to the uterus. Thus, too much coffee consumption will tend to disrupt this process!

Have orgasms

It may sound crazy but it's true... Orgasm, during your intimate relations, can help you get pregnant. Contrary to some stereotypes, sexual positions do not really have a determining role, except for reaching orgasm.

Orgasms not only add pleasure but on top of that, they cause contractions in your uterus. This contraction generates suction taking place where the sperm is received, this increasing fertility. So it is quite possible to combine business with pleasure, spread the word to Monsieur!

We hope these tips help you!

Starting a baby project is not easy and although the recipe is so simple in words, it is actually just a myth. It all depends on each person.

Either way, that's what makes this adventure amazing when it happens!!


Do you have any other advice?