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Stay beautiful pregnant:how to do it?

Stay beautiful pregnant:how to do it?

If it does not seem immediately obvious, pregnancy is a period during which you can reveal another part of your femininity. Staying beautiful while pregnant is easier than you might think at first. Thanks to a few tips to apply on a daily basis, you will be able to discover assets that you would not have suspected. I give you some avenues to explore.

Contents 1 Take care of your belly with pregnancy cosmetics 2 Pay attention to your weight 3 Schedule time for yourself during your pregnancy

Take care of your belly with pregnancy cosmetics

During pregnancy, the body goes through all kinds of changes. If this is a period that we do not all experience in the same way, it is essential to continue to take care of your body. Warning:expecting a child is not an excuse to let yourself go. Plan regular body care from the start of pregnancy , especially in the stomach area.

Daylily Paris rituals will help you take care of your belly as soon as it begins to stretch. Don't forget that pregnancy will harm the skin, and that a lack of care will necessarily cause stretch marks.I always recommend organic products , such as anti-stretch mark pregnancy creams, to carry out specific treatments that will respect the nature of your skin. Opt for treatments whose compositions you can check, and which present no risk of toxicity for you or for your baby. Stomach care is done through twice-daily hydration, applied through a massage in strong, circular movements.

Stay beautiful pregnant:how to do it?

Watch your weight

A pregnant woman gains up to 20kg during pregnancy. If it is a natural phenomenon, excessive weight gain will be harmful to your health and that of the baby . Worse still:being overweight is often a bad experience, and will be a source of discomfort. To continue to feel beautiful despite the physical, hormonal and psychological upheavals that you will go through, start watching your weight. The more the pounds accumulate, the more difficult it will be for you to lose them after giving birth. Health experts say it:a weight gain of 12 or 13 kilos is ideal for a healthy pregnancy.

Keeping the line during pregnancy requires adopting good eating habits from the first weeks. A varied diet and good hydration are, of course, the basics . Do not give in instantly to cravings that will give you bad reflexes. These will be the source of emotional pounds that your body does not need. Also avoid excess salt, sugar and bad fats. Also, be sure to stay active to keep in shape.

Make time for yourself during your pregnancy

Beauty is a capital that is maintained, even during pregnancy. Making time for yourself is essential to stay calm and take full advantage of these 9 months. During these cocooning moments that you spend alone at home or outside, you take care of your appearance.

Take special care of your skin and your hair:they are the first to register hormonal changes, and to contribute to your well-being. A detox cure based on organic and natural products is to be expected as soon as you have a few free minutes.