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Choosing a Good Montessori Book

Choosing a Good Montessori Book

Have you ever heard of the Montessori method?

Contents 1 Have you ever heard of the Montessori method? 2 Regulate whimsical stories 3 Pay attention to illustrations 4 Embrace diversity

Maria Montessori, Italy's first female doctor, used her scientific and medical skills to carefully observe children to design an educational method that thinks outside the box. For example, if children like to move, why not design a school who lets them move, rather than constantly fighting to keep them still?

If you are interested in this type of method, then here are some tips to help you select "THE" Montessori book for you!

Regulate fantasy stories

Fantasy should be avoided during growth from 0 to 6 years. Indeed, children cannot distinguish reality from fantasy. Fantasies about fairies, dragons and superheroes are created by adults and unfortunately do not occur in the real world.

Instead, offer them the wonders of our world in rich language! This will serve as a solid base from which their imaginations can really grow!

Pay attention to the illustrations

The illustrations should be beautiful and the characters should be proportional to each other and to the landscape. To give you an example, a bird should be smaller than the human and the human should be smaller than the car. This will meet the child's need for order!

In addition, many children's books present characters with disproportionate heads and tiny bodies... This could be confusing and reflect an image far from reality. And in some cases, it's pretty scary!

Favor diversity

Many stereotypes can cloud a child's mind, such as the idea that a girl is necessarily associated with the color pink and with princess stories. It may seem trivial, but this type of image can also create a deep identity imprint.

It would be better to opt for stories offering a wide diversity around the characters depending on gender, nationality and much more to allow your child to open up to the world! Equally important is the sharing of simple values ​​that your child can assimilate as they develop. Some principles of life are sometimes very simply illustrated, even in a story with a little bit of fantasy!

Thanks to these few tips, you can create a very fun and enjoyable library for your child! However, don't feel guilty if your book selection doesn't match 100% with the tips shared in this article. The most important thing is to maintain a balance in order to clean up your child's growth!