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Zero waste organization at home

Zero waste organization at home

We are entering an era where environmental awareness is taking more and more place in our society! And that's not nothing, we must preserve our planet in order to guarantee its fullness... But where to start?

Contents 1 Choose reusable products 2 Avoid unnecessary packaging 3 Adopt selective sorting 4 Avoid food waste

Well, sometimes all it takes is a few simple daily gestures allowing us to add our stone to the building by having a "zero waste" attitude and here's how:

Zero waste organization at home

Prefer reusable products

This is the first step! Especially for women, we tend to use beauty and well-being products on a daily basis and often... We have a habit of throwing them away! For example, the use of cottons, make-up remover wipes, sanitary napkins that appear to be harmless actually creates considerable waste for our planet!

Be sure to use washable knitted wipes/cloths, microfiber towels or the famous cup during your period! It is 100% eco-friendly, then it will also do good for your body.

Avoid unnecessary packaging

When you shop, 100% of the food and products we buy are housed inside packaging. We've all had this experience, when it's time to put away our purchases:we unpack and throw away.

This is why it would be better to re-orient the places where you do your shopping. For example, for your fruits and vegetables, choose local merchants and take a cloth bag with you!

But that's not all, if you drink wine, keep the corks to give them to associations, the same goes for the plastic corks which can be recycled and used for more noble purposes.

Adopt selective sorting

It's a real classic, but essential! Selective sorting saves raw materials to be reused to protect our planet. However, when we mix all our waste, it is impossible to recover the latter being in contact with other potentially harmful waste...

Be sure to sort your waste according to their material… Glass, for example, is infinitely reusable, packaging such as cardboard, paper, plastic, cans and others can be transformed and finally… Food waste!

Get a compost and put all your food scraps in it. The composting process will allow the transformation of your latter into organic matter of the “compost” type in order to be reused naturally and ecologically.

Avoid food waste

If you have some fruits and vegetables left in your refrigerator, do not throw them away and find small recipes allowing you to consume them. Ditto for the dishes we cook, it is best to dose properly to avoid unnecessary waste. Last little tip, if you have a dish of pasta left over, make a delicious gratin for example! Food has become a rare commodity, especially when we realize that there are countries whose population lives below an extreme poverty line. Food waste is a real struggle, and we must take part in this battle through daily actions.

We can all play a role in preserving our environment, and the little tips we have shared with you are applicable and very simple on a daily basis! Moreover, it will also allow you to improve your standard of living while contributing to global well-being.