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Food allergies in children:what do you need to know?

Food allergies in children:what do you need to know?

Food allergies affect between 6 and 8% of children. It doesn't seem like much, but it still concerns nearly 800,000 children in France! Allergy is ranked 4 e world ranking of diseases by the WHO (World Health Organization) and is therefore not to be taken lightly. Yet allergies are misunderstood when we are not confronted with them. This is why it is important that everyone is aware of this subject, because the allergy can be fatal for allergic children.

Contents 1 What are the possible reactions of children when they have a food allergy? 2 What can our children be allergic to? 3 How does this impact the daily lives of allergic children and their parents? 4 What is the concept of Happy Lolie? 5 Happy Lolie shop:choose your products according to your food allergies

First, what is a food allergy ? It is an overreaction of the immune system to a food which, for the majority of people, would be harmless.

What are the possible reactions of children when they have a food allergy?

The reactions can be very different:respiratory, cutaneous and/or digestive. This can be eczema, as it can lead to anaphylactic shock if swallowed, or even death of the child. Fortunately this is very rare but it has happened before. You may remember the story of a 6-year-old boy who ate a pancake at school in 2018 and died because he was allergic to cow's milk.

What can our children be allergic to?

Well potentially everything! All food is allergenic. On the other hand, in France, there are 14 so-called mandatory declaration foods on the packaging and which are among the most frequent. In children, the most common allergies are cow's milk protein, eggs, wheat, fish, mustard, tree nuts and peanuts.

How does this impact the daily life of children with allergies and that of their parents?

As you will have understood, this affects their health, and therefore inevitably this causes permanent stress in the parents of allergic children:has he eaten a product with egg? Why is he sick, does this product contain milk? When a food allergy is detected in a child, it is essential to consult an allergist who will explain what to do.

Beyond the health of his child, food allergies also have an impact on the organization of the family on a daily basis:changing eating habits, reorganizing the kitchen and the way of cooking, learning to decipher the labels on the packaging, shopping differently. Parents of children with food allergies, for example, spend a lot of time reading the labels on food products to make sure that their child will be able to eat this or these products. Their time for shopping is multiplied by 2 and often the choice of products becomes quite limited. They will always take the same products to be "safe" and the children in question often find themselves eating the same things.

Food allergies in children:what do you need to know?

What is the concept of Happy Lolie?

A mother of an allergic child, Lucie Andoni, was faced with all these worries. Her daughter is allergic to cow's milk protein, other animal milks, beef and veal. Lucie got tired of wasting her time shopping and decided to find a way to help parents of children with food allergies. So she created an online store for children with allergies. This shop is Happy Lolie. Its goal:to make life easier for parents of children with allergies on a daily basis.

Happy Lolie shop:choose your products according to your food allergies

Thanks to Happy Lolie, you can shop according to the diet of your allergic child. You select the foods you should exclude from your shopping. Once this selection has been made, you are browsing the site without products to which your child is allergic. Magical right? In addition, there are plenty of products that are not easily found in stores, such as chocolates for Easter or Christmas without milk, or spreads without nuts. Really magic this site!

As you have understood, the subject of food allergies is really an important subject and, fortunately, more and more projects are emerging to help parents faced with these problems, such as Happy Lolie, which I highly recommend!