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Coronavirus:Cap Retraite calls for drawings for our seniors!

Coronavirus:Cap Retraite calls for drawings for our seniors!

Since March 11, visits are prohibited in nursing homes. Faced with the concern of families concerned about the isolation suffered by their loved ones, Cap Retraite calls for solidarity.
Since March 11, with a few rare exceptions, all visits are prohibited in nursing homes. This measure, necessary to protect our most fragile elders from the coronavirus, however, plunges families into disarray.

Contents 1 So, how about filling each EHPAD with love? 2 Find out more about Cap Retraite:

Coronavirus:Cap Retraite calls for drawings for our seniors!

"He thinks I've abandoned him", "She's going to be depressed for sure", "I can't even call him, he's in no condition to call", "It's very hard to see so close and yet inaccessible”… Here are some examples of phrases that Cap Retraite advisers hear every day in the mouths of families.

Faced with the growing concern of families regarding the forced isolation experienced by our seniors, Cap Retraite calls for solidarity. Since schools are closed, many parents will have to stay home to look after their child. Therefore, why not take the opportunity to combine business with pleasure? Propose an artistic activity to your child, and offer his works of art to the residents of the EHPAD nearest to you!

Drawings, paintings, stickers, origami, collages, postcards, herbariums, pasta necklaces... Everything is allowed as soon as it fits in the mailbox!

The creativity of our adorable darlings has no limit, so let's use it! All together, let's create to tell our elders that we haven't forgotten them, and brighten up their daily lives that have become lonely.
There are 7,000 nursing homes in France. We are 65 million French people.

So, how about filling each EHPAD with love?

If so, share your works on social networks with #Un DessinUnSourire. Let's immortalize the solidarity of our nation for its elders!

Learn more about Cap Retraite:

Cap Retraite is a free service to help seniors and their families in their search for a retirement home. Availability, prices, services, opinions on establishments… For 25 years Cap Retraite has been putting its expertise at the service of families, and takes care of everything to allow each family to make an informed choice and find the ideal establishment. Seniors and caregivers thus devote their energy to what really matters:enjoying each other.

Listening to families, Cap Retraite has launched the #EHPADSafe, in order to relay information on supporting our seniors during this epidemic.