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Donating and exchanging children's clothes:a good plan!

Swap children's clothes? This is probably something that many of you have never thought of. Yet it is a practice that is becoming more and more widespread. I've been a subscriber for some time now!

What to do with unnecessary stocks of children's clothes?

Donating and exchanging children s clothes:a good plan!

Nothing more annoying, isn't it, than having a pile of children's clothes cluttering up the wardrobe, cellar and chest of drawers? It is all the more annoying when we know that these clothing effects can no longer be worn by our little ones.

What a waste! Every time I do my little spring cleaning, I have a ton of my children's clothes under my arms and I don't know what to do with them. And the worst part is that many of these items are still in very good condition, given that my little monsters are growing at a high speed V.

Worse ! Many of these cases have only been put two to three times at most. Some are even still new and have still kept their tags. Of course, I can always donate them to associations or charities. But sometimes we just don't want to give away certain items.

In desperation, I say a word to my neighbor, who is also a mother of two children. Who knows, she must also have the same problem. She advises me to try swapping children's clothes. It is a practice, she told me, which is completely free and remains very profitable for many families.

How to exchange children's clothes?

Donating and exchanging children s clothes:a good plan!

Very perplexed, my neighbor then invites me to exchange children's clothes with her, especially since she has just given birth to a little girl and my kid is now the age of her eldest. The following weekend, we meet at my house and over a cup of tea, we start swapping clothes. Combine business with pleasure! I spent one of the nicest and friendliest afternoons with my neighbor.

Yup, not only did I finally fix my problems storing unused clothing items, but I also gave my little girl a new wardrobe, without having to spend a penny. What's more, Céline, the neighbor, also left happy and satisfied. In short, an exchange of good practice.

Since then, I have talked a lot about this practice in my entourage and to my surprise, many of my friends and work colleagues have already been exchanging their children's clothes for a long time, as well as regularly. Moreover, many websites are entirely dedicated to this new mode of consumption.