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Do you have ventriloquist skills?

Do you have ventriloquist skills?

Since my children attended a ventriloquism show that took place in their school, they only talk about that. To please them, I had fun improvising myself as a ventriloquist.

The ventriloquist fascinates young and old alike

Having never attended this kind of spectacle, I completely forgot the existence of ventriloquists. I never told my kids about it. And when their school organized one for their twentieth anniversary, I jumped at the chance to accompany them. The presence of parents was also requested. I thus discovered with my children how much this show is both entertaining and fun, especially with a very good level ventriloquist.

The children were glued to their chairs throughout the show, which still lasted an hour. Usually, after three quarters of an hour, they begin to get bored and impatient. But this time they were very wise. They didn't even touch the little treats I had prepared for them. The professional really assured, because even I had a lot of fun there.

Since this afternoon, the ventriloquist and his puppet have been feeding all the topics of conversation. The youngest who was until then very trendy clown even wants it at all costs for her next birthday. After all, why not since she will soon be celebrating her sixth birthday. As for me, to surprise them, I secretly initiated myself into ventriloquism. A particularly difficult challenge. However, with a lot of patience and application, I still arrived at a more or less acceptable result. How did I manage?

Can you become a ventriloquist?

First of all, I learned a lot about this profession both on the internet and with books. Over the weeks, I have become a real connoisseur. Afterwards, whenever I'm alone, I do little monologues with my fingers as puppets. On two or three occasions, my work colleagues have even caught me talking to myself in a vacuum, to their great astonishment.

But I told them of my ambition and they have encouraged me ever since. Indeed, motivation and encouragement, it takes a lot to hope to be a ventriloquist one day. The great difficulty is to be able to speak, but above all to articulate well without moving your lips. Without forgetting that I also had to modify my voice. To achieve this, a good control of my breathing was necessary. But that's easier said than done.

I even almost gave up many times, but little by little it worked. I first took the test with my husband, then with my friends. And the time to improve myself a little more, I'm going to offer my children a little show this weekend. In addition, I also have to find the puppet that will accompany me. My kids are cracking up on the socks in the Lustucru ads. So I will try to reproduce them.