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How to keep a healthy home? Our advices

How to keep a healthy home? Our advices

Keeping a healthy home helps keep its inhabitants in good physical health. This is why it is very important to maintain and purify your home by destroying everything that can be harmful and constitute a health hazard. These are precautions that should already be taken in normal times but which take on even more meaning during the health crisis we are currently experiencing. Our tips for keeping your home healthy.

Fight against allergens

Dust mites, these small microscopic critters, are legion in our homes. These parasites, which are particularly fond of cosy, warm and humid places in the house, are the cause of many pathologies, such as allergies caused by their droppings. They represent the second source of allergies in a house after dust, and are also the cause of respiratory, skin or eye diseases.

To overcome it, even if it is almost impossible to get rid of it completely, but also to get rid of the dust in your home, it is necessary, of course, to carry out a major and regular cleaning of your home. . The vacuum cleaner and the washing machine are the best allies to fight against these parasites. You will also limit their presence by limiting as much as possible in your home anything that can attract them, such as cushions or pillows, especially feather pillows, curtains, rugs, carpets, etc.

To fight against these allergens, also remember, once you have cleaned your house, to sprinkle baking soda on the surfaces that dust mites like (pillows, mattresses, etc.). Let it penetrate for a few hours then vacuum it up with the vacuum cleaner. Some essential oils, such as clove, fennel, thyme, tea tree or even lavender, also have the reputation of fighting these parasites quite effectively.

Remove indoor pollution

One of the main sources of pollution inside a home is due to the household products we use, from household cleaning products to paint, glue, insulation, air fresheners, scented candles , etc. Many of these products contain toxic chemical substances which, in the long run, settle on our furniture, our clothes, our trinkets, etc., and can cause more or less serious health problems.

In order to keep your home healthy, it is recommended to rather replace these toxic products by other much more natural ones available on the market, or by "homemade" products with, for example, baking soda, white vinegar, black soap , etc.

You should also know that certain plants have the ability to depollute the ambient air of the house by contributing to the elimination of more or less toxic substances present in homes. Examples include philodendron, ivy or a species of palm (Rhapis excelsa).

Remove sources of humidity

The presence of mold and humidity is a sign of a home with stale air. This situation can also cause health problems (respiratory or immune) for its inhabitants and also cause unpleasant odors. It can also have consequences on the materials of the house, such as wood for example, by deteriorating them.

The fungi that develop in a house are mainly due to a house that is not well ventilated. They are most often present in humid rooms such as the bathroom, the laundry room or the toilets. This is why it is important to regularly check the ventilation system of your home and especially to air your house very often.

White vinegar can be very useful for properly cleaning the traces of humidity present in the house because it makes it possible to properly disinfect the affected surfaces, to detach them and also to deodorize the rooms concerned.

The use of a humidity absorber or a dehumidifier can also be a good solution to clean up the air in your home that is stale with humidity, and thus make it healthier. In general, avoid as much as possible storing plants with water reserves or even drying clothes in the most humid rooms of your house.