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Home help:how to benefit from it?

Home help:how to benefit from it?

A home helper can come to your home to help you with household chores such as cleaning, cooking, making your bed, etc. You have of course the right to have one in a private capacity. However, depending on your age and your income, you may be able to benefit from social assistance paid by the departmental council if you do not benefit from the APA (Personalised Autonomy Allowance). Here are some clarifications regarding this aid.

How to benefit from home help?

If you do not already benefit from the APA, you can claim social assistance to have home help provided that:

  • Be 60 years old and recognized as unfit for work or over 65
  • Having difficulty performing everyday household chores
  • Being in a fragile social situation
  • Not having the APA or not being able to claim it
  • Have an income of less than €903.20 per month for a single person and €1,402.22 for a married or PACS couple

How is this social assistance paid?

Social assistance for home help is paid directly to the home help service which you choose. However, he must be authorized by the county council . It is possible that an amount will be paid directly to you if:

  • There is no help service in the municipality
  • If you prefer to employ someone on your own

In the latter case, you will have to present proof of expenditure for the amounts you receive.

Request home help

To request home help, a doctor must assess your state of health and issue you a medical prescription . This prescription can be issued following hospitalization for major surgery , or a serious pathology . Home help is therefore an absolute necessity. You must submit your application to the CPAM on which you depend or to another fund if it is different if you do not come under the general scheme. You will have to fill out a file and attach the medical prescription as well as the proof of resources.

Important rule on social assistance for home help

The social aid for home help that you can get if you meet the conditions for allocation is not a definitive gift from the county council. It is an advance on your estate . The county council will have the right to recover the sums advanced on your estate after your death if your estate is greater than €46,000 .

The other possibilities

You may also be entitled to home help regardless of age if you are retired and through your pension fund . Please note that not all funds provide this assistance. It is therefore necessary to inquire with the one on which you depend in order to know your rights.

In Long-term ALD conditions , and in some cases, the Caisse d'Assurance Maladie can also cover the services of a home helper for a period of up to three months and eight hours a week at most. If you enter in this case, you can benefit from it and are entitled to two renewals .

Who can you contact for home help?

To be entitled to home help, you can start by asking the fund on which you depend. It can be:

  • The CPAM
  • The RSI or Social Regime for the Self-Employed
  • The MSA or Mutuelle Sociale Agricole
  • The CARSAT or Pension and Occupational Health Insurance Fund

The Departmental Council, the town hall, the CCAS of your municipality are still important points of information from which you can obtain further information as well as assistance in completing your file.

How long can a home helper stay in the service of an elderly person?

The duration of home care services is based on your needs. These are assessed by the organization that pays you social assistance. For example, the department may grant you 30 hours per month if you are alone or 48 hours per month if you live as a couple.