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Residence services:how to choose it? What cost?

Residence services:how to choose it? What cost?

In recent decades, senior residences are on the rise. Seniors are increasingly alert and independent. They seek to live in comfortable places with a pleasant environment and offering them services to make the most of their independence. Thus, serviced residences are composed of apartments ranging from T1 to T4 or individual houses. These accommodations have one thing in common:they are connected to security, catering, leisure and other various services .

Who is assisted living accommodation for?

Housing in serviced residences are intended for people who have generally reached the age of 60 years or more and being autonomous or with a very slight loss of autonomy . On the other hand, some people choose to live in a serviced residence from the age of 50, because they want to take advantage of the services offered to them or simply out of foresight or personal choice.

What do assisted living facilities offer?

Service residences for seniors are suitable for autonomous people. They offer apartments or individual houses for rent or freehold . These accommodations have secure access and easy access suitable for example for people who have some difficulty going up or down stairs. These same serviced residences are always located near the main shops and the most pleasant environment (by the sea, in a beautiful area of ​​a city, etc.). Beyond very comfortable accommodation , serviced residences are equipped with certain equipment and services such as:

  • A restaurant
  • A welcome with qualified staff
  • A night service
  • Assistance with making medical appointments
  • A cleaning service
  • A hairdresser at home
  • A laundry
  • Some hobbies, etc.

These multiple services allow senior residents to no longer cook, shop for food, meet other people to make friends, common areas for leisure activities specially dedicated to them, etc.

What physical condition should a senior have to live in a serviced residence?

When a senior plans to stay in a serviced residence, he must be autonomous or with a very slight loss of autonomy. For example, a senior with Alzheimer's disease for example, cannot integrate this type of housing. Some senior residences are suitable for people with mild disabilities and can accommodate residents such as people using a walker, for example. But beware, some do not accept it.

Cost of housing for seniors in assisted living facilities

To integrate a serviced residence for seniors, you have to worry about the financial aspect . Indeed, as these residences employ many staff and offer various services, the prices are always quite high. Whether the senior is tenant or owner , it will always have large loads amounting on average to €800 per month. On the other hand, the cost does not only represent that of housing, it generally includes the services offered by the assisted living facility, heating and electricity as well as water . The price of meals is to be paid in addition, but it is low, because the restaurant does not make a profit and a large part is integrated into the charges (that of the salaries of the employees) and is only used to pay the price of the food. Thus, the average cost of a meal is around €12.

These prices are given for information only, as they are an average, but they vary according to:

  • The standard of the serviced residence
  • The size of the selected accommodation
  • Geographical area
  • Basic services
  • A la carte services

Example of invoicing for accommodation and services in a serviced residence

Invoicing for accommodation and services in serviced residences is generally established as follows (based on one person and one studio on average standard):

  • Rent €800 per month including rental charges including water, heating and maintenance of the common areas

Cost of service charges of approximately €400 including:

  • Reception staff
  • Monitoring
  • Free access to common areas
  • General maintenance costs
  • Service coordination

Cost of à la carte services (for one person, one meal per day) from approximately €600 to €800 including:

  • Restoration
  • Leisure activities
  • Laundry
  • Home help

The costs of hairdresser, manicure, beautician, and others are to be added.

Is it possible to get financial aid to live in an assisted living facility?

In general, people living in an assisted living facility benefit from quite significant resources than those who are housed in autonomous residences with a social vocation. The rates for serviced residences are quite high, because the services offered are quite luxurious. However, it may happen that under certain conditions, residents can claim aid such as:

  • APA or Personalized Autonomy Allowance for GIRs 1 to 4 for the partial financing of remote assistance and home help
  • APL or Personalized Housing Assistance based on income and surface area of ​​the dwelling
  • The ALS or Social Housing Assistance varies according to resources

When a person employs a home helper and is not entitled to the APA, he may however be entitled to the tax credit for the employment of a home helper .

Service residences for investors

If people wish to invest in housing in a senior residence, they can benefit from certain tax measures for the purchase of new housing or VEFA (Sale in Future State of Completion under:

  • The Censi-Bouvard law
  • The Pinel Law
  • LMNP or LMP status

If you are interested in living or buying accommodation in an assisted living facility, you can use an online comparator free. You will receive several proposals that do not commit you to anything and you will get an idea of ​​which accommodation is the most interesting for you according to your plans.