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What is social housing assistance (ASH)? How to benefit from it?

What is social housing assistance (ASH)? How to benefit from it?

Social assistance for accommodation (ASH) is financial assistance granted to an elderly person to cover their costs related to their accommodation in a specialized establishment or with a foster family. A significant boost to help low-income seniors cover their housing expenses. What are the conditions for granting the ASH? What steps should I take to benefit from ASH?

What is the Social Assistance for Accommodation (ASH) for?

As its name suggests, Social Assistance for Accommodation (ASH) is a financial contribution which is paid under certain conditions to elderly people who live outside their personal accommodation, either in a specialized establishment (Ehpad, care unit long-term or independent residence), or with a foster family, i.e. who live in the home of a family in return for payment. This financial aid is intended to cover all or part of the costs related to their accommodation. It is awarded by the Departmental Council.

For the elderly who reside in a specialized establishment, the ASH can also finance the co-payment for which residents of nursing homes or long-term care units (USLD) are liable for their medical care, regardless of their degree. loss of autonomy.

What are the conditions for granting social assistance for accommodation (ASH)?

In addition to not residing at home but in an accommodation establishment for the elderly or with a family carer, several conditions must be met in order to benefit from ASH:

  • you must be over 65, or over 60 for people recognized as unfit for work;
  • you must have resided in France in a stable and regular manner, for more than 3 months. If the elderly person is a foreigner, they must provide proof of a valid residence permit;
  • you must have resources that are less than the amount of accommodation costs. The resources taken into account (including real estate) are those of the elderly person concerned, the person with whom they live as a couple and their food debtors who are systematically the subject of a search as part of a request for 'ASH. Only the resources related to retirement as a combatant and those attached to honorary distinctions such as the Legion of Honor for example are not taken into account by the department's services.

In the case of a residence with a host family, the latter must be approved by the services of the department so that the elderly person can benefit from the ASH.

In the same way, Ehpad, long-term care units (USLD) or independent residences (formerly housing-homes), must be authorized to receive ASH beneficiaries. The directory of these establishments is available on the site

On the other hand, an elderly person who has lived at least 5 years in an institution without benefiting from ASH, and who needs it at some point, can benefit from ASH even if he does not occupy a place. which entitles you to ASH or that the nursing home is not eligible for ASH.

Disabled elderly people who live in specialized accommodation can benefit from ASH under slightly different conditions. They must either have been accommodated in a specialized establishment or accompanied by a service for disabled adults before being accommodated in an establishment for the elderly, or either have a recognized disability rate of at least 80% before the age 65 years old.

How much is the social assistance for accommodation (ASH)?

The departments of the department set the amount of the ASH according to the resources of the elderly person and the income which must remain at the disposal of the elderly person. This amount cannot be less than 104 euros per month (2019 amount).

If the person lives in a specialized institution and benefits from ASH, they are obliged to pay it 90% of their income. The Departmental Council then covers, through the ASH, the part of the cost of accommodation that the elderly person cannot finance and pays the aid directly to the establishment.

In the case of accommodation with a family carer, the minimum income which must be reserved for the elderly person (compulsorily higher than 104 euros per month) must be able to cover the social security contributions due to Urssaf for the remuneration of their family. reception, the cost of the civil liability insurance that the elderly person must take out, their health insurance and their clothing costs.

The amount of the ASH may be subject to a request for review from the President of the Departmental Council if the resources of the elderly person or those responsible for food decline.

It should be noted that the ASH paid is an advance recoverable by the departments of the department during the beneficiary's lifetime or upon his death in 3 cases:on the beneficiary's estate; on donation made by the beneficiary in the 10 years preceding the request for ASH and if the financial situation of the beneficiary improves.

What steps should I take to obtain Social Assistance for Accommodation (ASH)?

Whether the elderly person resides in a specialized establishment or with a foster family, the request for ASH must be made to the Communal Center for Social Action (CCAS) or the town hall where the person has resided for at least 3 months before leaving. going to live in an institution or in foster care. These organizations are then responsible for forwarding the ASH request to the departments of the department for processing.

Each department has a specific ASH application file. However, in most cases, it is necessary to provide an identity document, proof of address, a tax (or non-taxation) notice as well as that of the spouse and those responsible for maintenance, proof of pensions or salaries. for the last 3 months and the list of food debtors as it appears in the family record book.

The request for ASH must be made at the latest within 2 months following the entry of the elderly person into an establishment or with a foster family so that it comes into force from the date of entry into one of these accommodations. It is also advisable to make this request at the same time as that of entry into an establishment or a host family.

The notification of the decision to award ASH (or not) is specified to the elderly person himself or to his legal representative. In case of refusal, it is possible to appeal to the Departmental Commission for Social Aid of the services of the department within 2 months.