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What was a man from 2015?

When you hear Donald Trump liken women to "disgusting animals and Damon Wayans say that some women aren't 'violable'" you sometimes feel a little hopeless... Yes, in 2015 men can still have those kind of archaic thoughts , and others suffer certain clichés too (like films with heroes with big watches, big cars and in the company of big-breasted women), as this video from the collective "The Representation Project" shows us:"What does it mean to be a man in 2015? .

> (Re)read:Women's Day:12 numbers to keep in mind

Phew, the video reassures us, there is change and a lot of men, in 2015, are also carriers of an egalitarian discourse towards the sexes, like the actor Matt McGorry ("Orange is the new black"), who isn't afraid to define himself as a "feminist", or the ultra-muscular wrestler Dwayne Johnson ("The Scorpion King", "San Andras"), who also knows how to talk about love. Something to boost our faith for 2016! 🙂