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What advantage for families to benefit from a works council?

What advantage for families to benefit from a works council?

Crèches, trips, shows, allowances… the families of the employees benefit from innumerable advantages granted by the works council. I invite you to discover these privileges.

Works council:social and cultural role

The works council is a structure that has cultural, economic and social functions in companies. Its work consists of taking into account the interests of employees in decisions related to the organization of work, economic and financial development, management, vocational training and production techniques. It is responsible for analyzing all proposals aimed at improving the working conditions of employees, professional training, living conditions and those relating to social security covering maternity, accidents, illnesses, death, disability and many more.

The tasks of the works council change from year to year. In matters of social and cultural works, he is the only one to have real decision-making power. On the other hand, in other areas, it only plays an advisory role. The leader only informs him of the changes that are going to be taken.

Benefits for families

What advantage for families to benefit from a works council?

The activities carried out by the works council meet several objectives, in particular catering, sports, mutual aid, leisure, culture, consumer assistance, training or information.

We know, for example, that it is particularly difficult to find crèches in France. The works council sometimes intervenes to solve this problem by setting up crèches and allotment gardens within the company. It also covers part of the expenses relating to personal services (domestic help, home care, childcare, home assistance, etc.).

So that employees and their families can go on vacation with the least financial burden possible, the Works Council takes care of finding stays at affordable prices negotiated with tour operators. Holiday camps are also organized for children.

The EC also negotiates preferential prices for admission tickets to circuses, museums, performance halls, amusement parks and many others. Depending on each company, a myriad of cultural products are offered.

During the holiday season, the Works Council is particularly active. He is in charge of organizing the traditional Christmas tree during which all the families come to share a snack and watch a show. Gifts are sometimes offered to children, for the best-off CEs!