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On what criteria to choose a retirement home?

On what criteria to choose a retirement home?

Entry into a retirement home occurs later and later, when the person's state of health no longer allows them to live in total independence, or even when their state of dependence is no longer compatible with life at home. and that she could put herself in danger. In fact, the retirement home becomes a place of care, although it remains above all a place of life. The choice of a retirement home is therefore not a choice to be taken lightly as it will condition the comfort and well-being of the resident.

Types of establishment

Before developing the different criteria that should help you choose the establishment, it is important to clarify the different types of structures that the elderly can live in, which will probably be the first criterion. of choice, depending on the person's needs.

  • Nursing homes for the elderly:These are EHPADs (Accommodation Establishments for Dependent Elderly Persons) which currently represent the majority of residential establishments for the elderly. They are authorized to receive those with a loss of autonomy thanks to the permanent presence of health personnel. However, some are not able to accommodate people whose necessary care would fall under GIR 1 and 2, i.e. those whose dependency is very important.
  • Rural care homes for the elderly (MARPA):Designed by the MSA, these are retirement homes located in rural areas, to allow elderly people who wish to continue to live in an environment that suits them. . They are generally small in size and cannot accommodate elderly people who are too dependent. The resident's loved ones will have to invest heavily in providing daily care.
  • Housing homes and serviced residences:These are senior residences for independent elderly people who would like to feel surrounded, forge easy ties and build up a local social network. Their rent is often rather expensive and each of the services offered is in addition to the basic monthly payment.

Selection criteria

In general, the choice of a retirement home should be made according to the quality of the overall care of the resident, in relation to the monthly cost of accommodation and your financial capacity. It should also be noted that a notion of "feeling" is extremely important during the visit to the establishment and the first exchanges. If your first impression or your intuition is positive, if you have been well received, it is because the establishment and the team have been able to adapt to your needs, your choices, quite simply to you. Finally, before going into more detail on the quality of care for the resident, an establishment located close to his entourage will be essential to maintain social ties with loved ones, and we know the true adage "morale is health ".

The quality of care provided

It is important to ensure that quality care can be provided by qualified caregivers. To do this, several conditions must ideally be met.

A qualified healthcare team

State-certified, authorized to provide quality technical care thanks to appropriate training, the care team must also be made up of professionals from various trades, such as nurses, caregivers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists , speech therapists, etc. of which you should, if possible, ensure the number or at least the frequency of weekly intervention. Indeed, if each professional has to take care of too many residents, the management of care and the time for discussion and interaction will be altered.

Continuity of care

It is important to ensure that a night, weekend and summer team is in place. 24/7 continuity of care is essential. In the same line, this continuity must be able to be maintained by the regular presence of a coordinating physician. As its name suggests, its role is to coordinate the various stakeholders in the medical profession. If his presence within the establishment is too exceptional, the quality of care could suffer.

Links with health actors

Whether it is an urban or rural establishment, of whatever size, it must have a network of healthcare professionals, such as a nearby pharmacy, or the sector hospital for the possibility of care by the geriatric department if necessary.

Support at the end of life

In general, residents enter retirement homes and live there until the end of their lives. This involves worrying about the possible palliative care provided to the resident, which is the care that aims to relieve and soothe the suffering person, to maintain respect for their dignity and to support loved ones in this difficult stage. Finally, some establishments have a funeral service to support families following the death of a resident.

The quality of services

Some establishments offer a wide range of quality services, others offer very few. Depending on the budget of course, it is important to take into account the services offered to feel good at home.

  • Rooms:This is the resident’s private place, their personal space. It is therefore obviously the important element that will sometimes condition whether or not you enter the establishment. Its size, its equipment, its decoration, the presence of individual shower and WC, storage, the possibility of bringing personal items, etc. This point should absolutely not be overlooked.
  • Activities:The establishment must tell you if activities are offered to residents, internally or by an external service provider. Chess, card games, sewing, cooking, stretching, etc. for indoor activities, and outings, walks, pétanque, etc. outdoors. Some establishments offer a rather diversified range of services, all with a dynamic, smiling, pleasant staff, who enjoy talking to each other and are interested in the residents. This is essential to maintain enthusiasm and well-being by punctuating the day of the residents, without forcing them to do so.

How the establishment works

The retirement home must clearly present its establishment project and its current pricing to you.

The school project :Each retirement home has had the obligation since 2002 to maintain this project, which must generally define the ambition of the establishment, both in terms of the life project and the care project for residents. It defines the commitment and the values ​​represented by it, as well as the methods for implementing the missions on a daily basis. If the retirement home does not send it to you, do not hesitate to ask them in order to have full knowledge of how it works.

Financial transparency :The monthly rates in retirement homes are strictly regulated with regard to the provision of care and the care of dependency, i.e. the relationship to the health of the resident. On the other hand, the costs relating to accommodation, the equipment available and the services provided are left to the sole discretion of the establishment. In fact, we observe differences ranging from simple to double, or even triple, depending on the retirement homes. It is essential to ask for an actual estimate of the monthly cost of moving into a retirement home, including additional services billed in excess, such as laundry service, telephone, television, hairdresser, etc.

The organization of daily life

Retirement homes are places of community life, associated with the provision of care by health professionals. Despite this, it is important for the resident to be able to maintain their individual freedom, a personal space in which to receive their loved ones and moments of sharing between room neighbors.

A daily life adapted to the pace of the person :What are the times to respect, whether it is getting up, going to bed, washing, meals, entertainment or outings. It must be ensured that flexibility can be granted so that everyone can find their own rhythm, and thus their balance.

A fulfilling social life :It is necessary that at least one collective place be accessible, such as a lounge for board games or sensory and cognitive games, a place to listen to music, a TV lounge to share the program and discuss this which will be screened. Complicities can be born and this is obviously to be desired. It is important that the establishment offers time to get to know each other which will lead to friendships according to the affinities created.

A pleasant environment :As with any new home, the exteriors and appearance of the main building and surrounding areas are also important. Accessibility to premises, green spaces to sit outside on sunny days, a shared vegetable garden, a nearby market, etc.

Respect for privacy :The establishment must be able to answer you as to the possibility of receiving visits in its personal space and under what conditions (times, number, lunch on site, etc.). The link with relatives must be preserved and the establishment must ideally remain as flexible as possible when it comes to welcoming the family.