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What solutions to empty a house after a death or a departure to a retirement home?

What solutions to empty a house after a death or a departure to a retirement home?

Emptying the house of a loved one after their death or their departure to a retirement home is never easy. It is necessary to show a certain distance and especially to let go to carry out this obligatory task which inevitably stirs up many memories. Many solutions, from classified ads to auctions, including donations to charities, there are many solutions to help you empty the house of a loved one. Overview of the different possibilities.

Second-hand and antique dealers

Brocaners or antique dealers are professionals who can help you empty the house of a loved one, especially if they have valuables. Before selling, throwing away or donating everything, make sure of the value of the remaining goods in the house. If some of them can be sold at a good price, which can allow you to participate in the payment of part of the retirement home for example, you can go to second-hand goods or antique dealers. They move around the house to be emptied and estimate the furniture, jewelry, dishes, etc., that you want to get rid of. Generally, junk dealers do not charge for their visit on site, they are remunerated with the objects they buy from you and which they will resell later.


Still in the case where the deceased person, or gone to a retirement home, possessed goods and valuables, you can call on an auctioneer who will sell them at auction. This type of sale consists of monetizing goods to the highest bidders. These sales are public and directed by an auctioneer and open to all adults, responsible and solvent. This service has of course a cost represented by the invoice for the intervention of an auctioneer to which are added selling costs which vary according to the volume of goods auctioned (between 200 and 600 euros per object put up for sale ).


Another solution to empty the house of your loved one:the consignment store, that is to say a store where you can deposit his belongings, most often furniture or bulky objects, in order to be able to sell them. You entrust what you want to get rid of to the merchant who takes care of the sale for you. The latter will then take a commission equivalent to 20 or 30% of the sale price.

The empty houses

House dumps are becoming more and more popular as a solution for getting rid of furniture and objects that remain after a person has left. It is in fact the organization of a private sale inside a home or its garden. If the empty house has the advantage of not having to transport the goods for sale, it does require careful preparation and it must respect certain rules. If you want to organize a house sale, you must indeed notify the town hall of the place of residence fifteen days before the scheduled date, either by registered letter or via a form given directly to the town hall. A proof of residence and an identity document is requested from the organizer of the house sale. A poster placed in front of the house and advertisements on specialized Internet sites make it possible to make the event known to the public. A house sale in the same accommodation can only take place twice a year, but its duration is not limited.

Note: all municipalities do not necessarily have the same rules, it is advisable to inquire beforehand with the services concerned. In addition, a clearing house does not guarantee to get rid of all the available goods.

Garbage disposal companies

To empty a house of its belongings that have no particular value, using a disposal company is a good solution. She is responsible for removing all the furniture and objects you want to get rid of from the house. The intervention of these professionals is most of the time fast and makes it possible to dispose of the empty accommodation very quickly to resell it or return it to its owner. Depending on the company chosen, the furniture and objects recovered either go to the recycling center or are donated to charity. Be aware that some of these companies also provide cleaning of the house once emptied.


If you want to get rid of worthless items quickly, the classifieds can allow you to resell them. Many websites in particular are available to carry out this process. This is one of the simplest solutions but it requires patience and above all to be vigilant. Indeed, bad payers are legion on some of these sites.


To empty the house of a loved one, you also have the possibility of appealing to charities such as Emmaüs for example. Find out well before calling these organizations or bringing them the objects or clothes you want to get rid of because they do not necessarily take everything back.