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10x what I think after two weeks of vacation and the kids at home

Sure, my kids are hotties and I love them. Sometimes. Generally. During the holidays a little less than usual, but that is of course simply because they sit on my lip all day and they are bored - after 2 days of holiday. Now that boredom is not so bad, I care, boredom seems to be good for them . But the fact that they want to let me know that again and again - say about every 5 minutes - that does cause some irritation. Especially if I still try to work in between. Anyway, you get it… this blog contains a grain of truth, but should also be read with a grain of salt.

10x what I think after two weeks of vacation and children at home

  1. Who ever came up with the idea that children should have 6 (!) weeks of vacation, or worse… almost 8 weeks when they are in high school.
  2. F*uck, why is the WiFi down now? Do I have to entertain the kids myself now?
  3. Where shall I put my children again today?
  4. Grr, now I really have to explain where that candy has gone.
  5. Oh you know what? Netflix wasn't invented for nothing, I just teach them to binge-watch 😉 .
  6. If they call mom one more time, I'll give them a hoe and they can get to work in the garden!
  7. Why don't all those school friends just go on holiday with us? We should plan better next time!
  8. Just a little while and then I'll bring in 3m³ of sand and fill the living room with it! With shells! Isn't that what they always say? Sand and shells… that's all a child needs?
  9. From what age can I have them deliver the newspaper?
  10. Give me that bottle of wine!

Read also: What to do during the holidays, my child can't play alone!

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