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Animator in a retirement home:what function, training and remuneration?

Animator in a retirement home:what function, training and remuneration?

The profession of retirement home animator serves to organize, develop and develop seniors living in these structures. The animator of a retirement home is very important because he helps to maintain the socialization and autonomy of the elderly through activities that facilitate:

  • Adaptation
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • The expression

He implements workshops using various techniques like:

  • A writing workshop
  • An artistic activity
  • A multimedia workshop
  • A cultural activity
  • Gentle body expression sessions

Training of the facilitator in a retirement home

There is a state diploma in animation functions (DEFA). This training is open to adults over the age of 18 with experience in the field of animation. It continues in establishments approved by the State. Each school has admission tests.

Facilitator training process

Facilitator training takes place through general training lasting 800 hours around 5 training units. The student must then spend a full year as a facilitator and pursue additional training of 200 hours .

Obtaining the animator diploma

At the end of the complete facilitator training , there is an exam with thesis defense . The diploma is issued by the Ministry in charge of Social Affairs and by the Ministry for Youth and Sports . The animator's diploma allows you to work in several establishments or can be a bridge leading the animator to other professions.

Animator evolution

An animator can prepare a State director’s diploma animation and development project if he has three years of professional experience. He can work in a sports, social or cultural structure. After 5 years of professional practice, the facilitator can prepare the DEIS or State diploma in social engineering . It can then become:

  • Study manager
  • Technical Advisor
  • Project coordinator, etc.

Remuneration of the animator in a retirement home

When a facilitator works in a retirement home, if it is a local authority, a service for the elderly, his salary is determined by private sector regulations, or private sector collective agreements. Thus, the gross monthly remuneration excluding service bonus is approximately €1,600 to €1,650 . At the end of their career, they will be able to receive between €2,600 and €2,800 gross plus premiums.

Status of a facilitator in a private retirement home

In a private retirement home, the status of the animator is not equivalent from one establishment to another, because there is no general status and it is the collective agreements that set their remuneration. Thus, it is possible for them to negotiate their salary according to the value of their diplomas and training, but also of their experience.

The skills needed to be an animator in a retirement home

An animator in a retirement home must be dynamic and motivated . It is imperative that he likes the elderly . He listens to seniors and remains available to develop human relations between the elderly. He must also know how to adapt to the residents, but also to their families to stay in communication. The animator in a retirement home is a responsible person able to work in a team and networked. He is also autonomous , because he is also often alone in an establishment practicing this profession.

Current opportunities in the profession of animator in a retirement home

The profession of animator in a retirement home is always popular with structures. Indeed, it is in full evolution, because many EHPAD open on all the territory, because there are more and more old people entering structures. With the ageing of the population , this movement will grow and there will still be many requests to be filled.

The animator in a retirement home or an EHPAD is a profession of the future who can progress to a position of coordinator after a few years of practice within a gerontology structure.