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How to choose and find a retirement home?

How to choose and find a retirement home?

The decision to go to a retirement home is a difficult moment in life, whether it is the decision of the person concerned themselves or of those around them if their state of health requires it. Choosing a retirement home should not be taken lightly . It is necessary to define beforehand the needs of the person in terms of living conditions, but also of care, as well as the amount that can be devoted to accommodation. Visiting and comparing several establishments is also useful to make the right choice. It is important to review all the criteria that will make this choice the best possible choice.

Choose an easily accessible retirement home

For the elderly person who enters a retirement home, as for his family and friends, it is important to choose an establishment not too far from his former home, when possible, or close to public transport. Otherwise, visits to the retirement home may be made difficult and will result in the isolation of the person after a certain time. Finding a place in a retirement home with Logement-seniors will help you in your decision. You will find all the existing accommodation by department and advice to guide you in your choice.

Find the type of retirement home that suits your needs

There are different types of retirement home that adapt to each need:


Mostly managed by public structures or associations, these residences are made up of accommodation and collective services (catering, cleaning, entertainment, etc.). They are aimed at elderly people who are still independent but who no longer wish to live at home or who can no longer do so for reasons of income or for problems accessing shops and services.

Service residences

They are made up of private apartments and common areas (entertainment room, restaurant room, etc.). Residents are either tenants or owners. They do not constitute medico-social accommodation and are therefore suitable for the reception of non-dependent people.

EHPADs (accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people)

They are aimed at people over 60 who need help and care on a daily basis. Alzheimer's patients, for example, can be welcomed there. EHPADs provide a bedroom with bathroom and toilet and provide catering, laundry and social life activities.

USLD (Long Term Care Units)

They are aimed at very dependent elderly people whose condition requires constant medical supervision. They are generally linked to a hospital establishment.

The national information portal for the autonomy of the elderly presents in detail all these types of retirement home to help you make your choice. It also offers very useful tools such as an EHPAD price comparator and a cost comparator to know exactly the cost of a retirement home.

Visit several retirement homes

To appreciate their environment, their good behavior, their atmosphere, it is useful to visit several retirement homes. The meeting with the persons in charge of the establishment will also give you a more precise idea on the quality of the care offered, but also and above all, on the dynamism of the retirement home, an important criterion which reflects on the activity and the daily life of the elderly people residing there.