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Financing home care:the solutions

Financing home care:the solutions

In order to allow the elderly who wish and who can stay in their home rather than to integrate a retirement home or a specialized care establishment, financial aid exists. They are intended to improve living conditions, adapt housing and provide both human and material assistance. What are these financial aids?

Personalised home autonomy allowance (APA)

The APA is intended for people aged 60 and over residing in France in a stable manner, moderately or highly dependent, i.e. whose level of dependence is classified in the iso-resource groups (GIR) 1 to 4. This allowance makes it possible to finance part of the expenses necessary for home care. This may include home help services, the purchase of suitable equipment or even housing development work. The APA is paid by the departmental councils after a case-by-case study of the requests. It is not means-tested.

Help from the pension fund to finance work

If keeping the elderly person at home requires the adaptation of their main residence, the pension fund for employees of the general scheme can grant financial assistance under certain conditions to carry out work. They must make it possible to improve or adapt the accommodation according to the level of autonomy of the person. This financial aid can finance, for example, insulation work, sanitary fittings, change of flooring, accessibility to housing, etc. The amount of assistance depends on the amount of work to be done and the resources of the elderly person. Please note that people who already benefit from the APA cannot claim this financial aid.

Help to employ a housekeeper

Subject to fulfilling certain conditions, the elderly person who wishes to stay at home, and who does not benefit from the APA, has the possibility of requesting financial aid from his department to help him employ a household help at the maximum 30 hours per month. To qualify for this aid, you must be at least 65 years old, or 60 years old for people recognized as unfit for work, have difficulty performing the main household tasks and have monthly resources (excluding housing aid) of 803.20 euros maximum for a single person or 1,246.97 euros for a couple.

Home support assistance (AMD) for public service retirees

For state civil service retirees who do not benefit from financial aid paid by their department, the ministry has set up specific home support assistance. It consists of the partial coverage of personal service costs borne by the retiree to help him at home. To qualify for this aid, these retirees must be at least 55 years old, have a dependency classified as GIR 5 and 6 and have resources below a certain ceiling. This financial assistance is subject to a precise study of the needs of the elderly person which makes it possible to define a personalized action plan. The payment of this benefit thus makes it possible to help finance home help, actions that promote home security, outings or even development work.