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Celebrate the school Christmas dinner at home!

Celebrate Christmas dinner at school at your home by hosting a Christmas dinner for a few kids! Because what a year it is for them. There is not that much anymore, especially now that the Corona measures have been tightened up again. Now that primary schools are closed again, it's completely 'a thing', because the Christmas dinner at school was canceled either. Now I like to look at what is still possible. So we're just going to celebrate the school Christmas dinner with kids. But then at our house! And NOOOOO! Not the whole class. That's 35 kids. Then I go crazy. We do it small, but nice. And we make it very special!

Would you also like to organize a nice Christmas dinner with children from school? Read on to find out how we tackled it.

Table of Contents

Recipes for Christmas-dinner with children at home

My son came home quite disappointed last week. The Christmas dinner at school is cancelled. Because Corona huh. And now make the school Christmas dinner one of the highlights of the school year. So my son. I myself was not always very enthusiastic about the school Christmas dinner. My children have the gift of choosing the most complicated recipes for Christmas dinner. Or dishes with a lot of preparation. And ordering or buying ready-made dishes was never an option. “No mom, we're going to make that ourselves. That's right † Correct!

But when I was in my hair after a hard day's work because the festive Christmas cakes threatened to fail, I was bummed like a plug. “Next year you just choose the option of napkins or two packs of apple juice † I forgot about that Christmas stress the moment the kids walked into the classroom beaming and proud with their homemade bowl of snacks. And I ran after it like a slightly hysterical, but very proud, mother to keep the tray straight, just in time, because otherwise the fruit skewers or Christmas sausages would end up on the floor.

No-school-Christmas dinner-was-a-real-disappointment

So now another setback, no Christmas dinner for the children at school. But my eleven-year-old Burgundian disagreed. Normally I think “come on boy, it's no different. Then we will go the extra mile next year.” But next year he will no longer be in primary school. Then everything will be different. You already get it. My mother's heart broke. It has been a strange school year so far, while this last year of primary school should have been fantastic. Because I teach my children that they have to “hang the garlands themselves” in life, we decided together that we should celebrate the school Christmas dinner at home. We set a date, made an invitation and sent it to his three best friends.

Then I'll cook something delicious sweetie for the four of you I suggested. But that was not the intention. Everyone has to bring something during the school Christmas dinner, so now too. Tight plan. We also put that in the invitation, and we ask everyone to bring a small, funny gift. With the Christmas snacks you can think of sweet snacks, but also savory, such as these tasty puff pastry snacks.


The invitation was enthusiastically received and all four were looking forward to it. And maybe I most of all. Because gosh, it's just nice to organize something again, within the very limited possibilities. My son thinks about what we are going to make for goodies and together we make the preparations. The Christmas dinner with the children at home has to equal the school Christmas dinner, of course. Or even get better.

Everything was thought of. A Christmas piece and a good Christmas playlist. And then the table setting. We're going chic. I just want the kids to have a really nice evening. Then a nicely set table gives just that little bit of extra atmosphere! And now that there's no big Christmas dinner with family, I can still enjoy myself a bit.

Toast with children's champagne

Champagne glasses filled with children's champagne, delicious snacks and each other. Because it is such a nice club together. They toast, eat and laugh! Laugh a lot. In between there was some dancing and singing. There are also short, serious conversations. About the choice of school, because after this year they will not all go to the same school, unfortunately. But also about how nice the school Christmas dinner always was, and whether the school camp and the final musical will continue. These little big kids also have their worries.

Christmas Dice-game during the-school-Christmas-dinner-at-home

The dice game that follows after Christmas dinner with the children is hilarious. They all did their best and some gifts are funnier than others. Sometimes it gets fierce, because there is a favorite, but it remains cozy. There was a nice Christmas movie ready. It has not been looked at. The pre-teens go for the “Greetings from Gerri”. You know, those white underpants.

At the end of the Christmas dinner, the children end the evening in the garden. Complete with stars and uncorking a confetti cannon. What have they enjoyed. From the children's Christmas dinner at home, but especially from each other. It really was a small party! The disadvantage compared to Christmas dinner at school is that I have to clean up the mess myself. But hey, I don't care.

You have to hang those garlands yourself

I close with a glass of “big girl's bubbles” and reminisce about the evening in my mind. There is still something that can be done with those sweet kids, within the applicable corona restrictions. A game afternoon, a movie night, a winter walk or a delicious Christmas dinner with a few children at home. The point is that you add just that little bit extra. Hang those garlands! It doesn't have to be many streamers, as long as you hang them together. Even if that is now in tiny company.

What are you going to do for fun during this Christmas holiday?