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School games to learn at home in a fun way

School is not a hobby for most children and certainly not now. Especially if they have a bit more trouble with certain subjects, it doesn't get any more fun. So if you're going to play a fun game, you really don't want school games. Although?

If your kids are given free choice, they may initially prefer to play games on their smartphone. And during phone days (or hours) they are probably still more likely to go for fun games that have as little to do with school as possible. Playing school games, you may have to persuade them to do that. But it is definitely worth it:this way they can playfully 'make homework'. Just during a fun game! Alternate it with creativity and a fun typing course for the older children, then you will get through the day well.

Table of contents

School games:become wiser while playing

One, two in measure, otherwise the missus will be mad? No, it is not! While playing fun school games, there is plenty of talk and laughter. In fact:the more the better!

We have also put together a nice overview of learning games that your children can learn a lot from! The school games below are really focused on the subjects they get at school. So that they learn something extra while playing.

Bright minds; school games for the little ones

You have to learn everything at school. But what if you've never been to school? Even then you can play fun school games. This educational board game focuses on the child's self-confidence. Handsome Heads is a board game for parents who like to learn together with their child. The development of the child is central and is stimulated through play. Children do not have to succeed in their assignments, Handsome Koppen is all about trying! And the encouragement of the child.

Board Game The Great Elementary School Game

Arithmetic, language, nature, geography and history; your child will probably really like some subjects… But others are simply not acceptable. The great thing about board game The Great Primary School Game is that they practice all subjects … If they want to win this exciting game! Obtain all diplomas as quickly as possible by answering the questions correctly. Use your bluff and teacher cards strategically… And become the best in class! This game is suitable for children from 6 years old. There are question cards for groups 3 to 8, so you can always play at your own level. With 2 to 4 players; and make it extra exciting by playing in teams!

There are also special extensions:the math edition and the language edition.

Learn through play, 8 games for children aged 3-6 years

For children from 3 years old who are starting to learn to read, there are these fun school games. This game box with Reading games contains 8 different games † With learning tiles, and a bingo game with rhymes… Lots of fun ways to learn to read while playing!

I Learn Syllables

Learning letters is already a lot. Turns out that those things together also form words… And those words don't just consist of letters, but also of syllables! We don't make language lessons that easy either. And that's why there is for children from about 6 to 8 years, to learn the syllables. Ik Learn Syllables contains 20 puzzles of increasing difficulty † So enough fun!

Funny numbers

Mathematics, I've always hated that. But in my time there were not such fun school games as Malle Numbers! Whether you're having trouble multiplying, adding, and subtracting to 20 (or to 100), or measuring arithmetic… With the games of Malle Numbers you can practice it all. But in a nicer way than in your arithmetic of course!

Muddled words

The educational game Confused Words is from the same makers as the game series Malle Numbers † Because not only math, but also language can be a lot of fun! In game form then 😉 . With Confused Words you play a nice game of quartet, and in the meantime you also learn to spell! “I quartered”… is that how you write it?

If you have already had the regular variant, there is also the school games variant Verb Spelling

Magic piles:school games to practice the times tables

Do you think you're there when you've learned addition and subtraction… And then you also have to know the multiplication tables! Learning to count is not easy. But with Magic Piles math game it will be a lot more fun! With the help of 13 cards you play an exciting game and you immediately practice the tables. Bring on that sufficient.