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Back-to-school business

Back-to-school business

Yes, when you are parents of a young child entering first grade, you have to start equipping yourself! New bag (uh sorry, “school bag” for the big ones), well-stocked kits, and the whole panoply. His bag is full, and the purse is emptied. Well, okay, not only because of the start of the school year, but also because of the holidays, but that's another subject. The back-to-school bonus is welcome for families with limited incomes. For information, the amount of the 2020 back-to-school bonus varies from 469.95 euros for the youngest to 503.88 euros for young people aged 15 to 18.

Contents 1 Prepare well for the start of the school year 2 Get equipped for the start of the school year

Back-to-school business

Prepare well for the start of the school year

Are you more the type to do school shopping for your children at the beginning of summer or just before the start of the school year? With us there are two schools as the expression says. The mum always wants to anticipate (“in case there is nothing left”) and the dad has a more relaxed approach (“it's vaaaaa there's time, it's the holidays...”). You get the idea.

This year, our biggest boy is just 6 years old and is entering CP. Big change for him, it deserves a suitable equipment to motivate him a minimum. So the mom won (sometimes it's better not to upset her;), so we went shopping for school supplies well in advance. So much in advance, that we paid for the races at full price, without promotion. “Yes, but at least we were able to choose what we wanted”. We don't upset the mother. And the son is very happy, that counts more than anything.

Getting ready for back to school

The back-to-school lists are very practical, it must be recognized. We know what to buy, it saves time. At least on paper. Because once in the supermarket, faced with the choice available, parents are sometimes a little lost in choosing the right one. The paper pencil, in HB, 2H or 2B? In the “I bend without breaking” version or in the classic wooden version? Rather classic for us! Oh no, wait, on the shopping list it is marked that it must have a triangular grip (to make it easier to hold in hand). Wow, this has actually gotten technical school shopping. Why shouldn't the school make a group order, for equality between the students? It's true that between the marker that doesn't write and the competition marker, it makes students unequal, and I thought that the role of school was to help all children progress on an equal footing. And it would save us, parents, from having to mark each pencil with the name of the child.

Anyway, we finally took 2 hours to buy all the equipment requested. Yes I know, not very fast. Cool parents what. Or parents who are fighting over nothing (depending on how you look at it).

In reality, there are only 2 things that we could not find in the supermarket:the 20 cm ruler “with writing on one side only”. And protective gear for painting at school. To buy a protective gown for your children, it is better to order online!

And you, how are the school races going?