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Organize your educational school trip

Organize your educational school trip

Studying is not just about being in a classroom, staring at a blackboard, book or notebooks, listening to the teacher for hours. To better help students develop their skills and knowledge, it is important to introduce them to other methods. Hence the importance of the educational school trip, which is a practice that is increasingly popular with schools.

Contents 1 What is an educational school trip? 2 The benefits of organizing an educational school trip 3 The different types of educational school trip 4 Why choose “Cahier de voyages”? 5 **** 6 Has your child ever taken an educational school trip?

The organization of educational school trips is the specialty of “Cahier de voyages”, the very reference in this field which has helped many schools (colleges and high schools) to take their students to destinations rich in history, culture and in kind.

What is an educational school trip?

An educational trip represents a school trip for students who are gathered in groups, under the supervision and support of their teachers. The trip takes place during the school term and with a maximum duration of five days equivalent to four nights spent on site. The trip takes place outside the walls of the establishment and constitutes solely and purely an educational stay. According to the details of the Ministry of Education, these are outings that fall within the educational action component of the school structure.

The educational trip has many educational and pedagogical virtues that should not be overlooked.

Organize your educational school trip

The benefits of organizing an educational school trip

Whether for primary, middle or high school, the educational school trip is another way of teaching for teachers and learning for students. Thus the teacher places the students in the reality of things and thus they can better absorb what they have learned theoretically. If the school trip takes place abroad, the students will be able to put into practice the knowledge acquired from language lessons in their original version. The educational school trip also contributes to the development of the student. During the educational stay, he will be able to free himself, discover other passions and hidden talents. The educational stay also helps students in difficulty to be discovered in a different light. In addition, the concept makes it possible to unite the links between students and teachers, to establish moments of collective life shared by all students, to insist on curiosity, among other things.

The different types of educational school trips

The educational school trip organizer, Cahier de voyages offers various types of school trips that schools can provide to their students. There is the traditional school trip which takes place in a foreign country and which allows you to discover the historical, cultural and natural assets of this country. There is the trip which is associated with a theme chosen by the teachers with a whole set of visits to do during the stay. The school trip with the organization of foreign language courses is also offered by Cahier de voyages. For students preparing for a particular diploma, it is possible to organize a so-called specific-purpose stay.

Why choose “Travel book”?

There are many reasons why you, as a serious school, should entrust the organization of your educational school trips to your Cahier de voyages partner. The latter provides support, partly with the organizing teacher or completely, for everything related to transport, accommodation, catering, among others. Cahier de voyages also offers a rich range of destinations in countries endowed with immense historical, cultural and natural wealth. European countries such as Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Great Britain, Ireland, among others, are offered to you. France and its riches are not to be outdone.


Has your child ever taken an educational school trip?