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Perineal rehabilitation with Perifit.

Perineal rehabilitation with Perifit.

The health of the female organism is a delicate issue that requires special attention. This is all the more true when we know that women carry life. One of the most sensitive parts that requires attention is the perineum. In view of the very large number of women who suffer from perineal disorders, it is important to start the healing process with information.

Contents 1 Discovering the perineum 2 Why strengthen the perineum? 3 Perineal rehabilitation with Perifit 3.1 **** 3.2 Do you strengthen your perineum regularly?

There are solutions to put an end to perineal disorders, this is the case of perifit. A very reliable device recommended by many specialists. But before talking about this perineal probe, it is important to dwell for a moment on the perineum and perineal rehabilitation.

Discovering the perineum

The perineum or pelvic floor is a membrano-ligamentous muscle area that closes the lower surface of the pelvis. It is a set of muscles, membranes and ligaments intended to support the organs of the small pelvis, in particular the bladder, rectum, uterus, anus, etc. Its main role is to sufficiently enclose the organs concerned and to act as a lock. It is located in front of the sacral and coccygeal bones and behind the pubis. It is composed of three muscular planes, the superficial muscular plane, the medium muscular plane and the deep muscular plane. The muscle layers are supported by two ligaments.

In addition to its role in supporting the organs of the pelvis, it intervenes during pregnancy to support the excess weight brought by the fetus, the amniotic fluid and the placenta. In addition, it will relax, stretch, expand gradually to prepare the woman's body for childbirth.

During childbirth the muscle fibers of the perineum distend, the perineum therefore loses its tone. The perineum also plays a significant role in intimate pleasure.

Perineal rehabilitation with Perifit. Perineal rehabilitation with Perifit.

Why strengthen the perineum?

It is important to strengthen your perineum, because this helps to avoid certain disorders, namely organ prolapse or descent (anal prolapse, genital prolapse) and incontinence, to name only the most common disorders. A muscular perineum boosts pleasure by better enclosing the partner's penis. It also makes childbirth easier.

A firm, sufficiently muscular and toned perineum is a guarantee of good health of the organs of the small pelvis and good intimate activity.

Me for my first, I had not done any perineal rehabilitation, but the second Yes. And, it is always important to continue your exos to avoid some small troubles...

What exercises to strengthen the perineum?

Unlike the abdominal muscles which are visible, the muscles of the perineum are not. It is therefore legitimate for you to wonder how to build muscle. To locate very simply, you just have to sit on a chair, spread your legs and contract the anus without contracting the buttocks, thighs or abdominals. During the contraction, a feeling of suction from your lower abdomen occurs, this is where your perineum contracts.

Kegel exercises are known to strengthen the perineum and bring it the tone it needs.

Nevertheless, certain childbirths, aging or other factors can lead to a loss of tone in the perineum and therefore expose you to disorders such as incontinence and prolapse.

Perineal rehabilitation with Perifit.

Perineal rehabilitation with Perifit

Perineal rehabilitation sessions allow the muscles of this part of the body to regain their tone and therefore fight more effectively against perineal disorders.

I offer you here Perifit, an excellent device that improves muscle strengthening of the perineum. This perineal probe has a diameter of 26 mm and is ideal for any shape of anatomy. Very precise, it is accompanied by a free downloadable application which offers personalized monitoring of the rehabilitation of your perineum. Equipped with an analysis system based on five characteristics which are strength, endurance, precision, relaxation and assiduity. Perifit has proven itself to many women who do not hesitate to recommend it.

Perifit is portable, you can use it anywhere and anytime. It is not contraindicated if you are already undergoing perineal rehabilitation with a specialist. Moreover, many therapists recommend Perifit to their patients to fight against pelvic disorders.

The accompanying application, like a sports coach, motivates you, evaluates your performance and reports on your progress.

Both entertaining and fun, the exercises offered are nonetheless effective in giving (or restoring) the muscles of your perineum the tone they need! 😉


Do you train your perineum regularly?