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infant colic

infant colic

Infant colic:how to fix it?

Contents 1 Infant colic:how to fix it? 2 How to recognize infant colic? 3 How to soothe infant colic 4 What treatment for infant colic?

Infant colic results in stomach pain, gas, bloating, burping and flatulence. They are very common and are the cause of crying, restlessness and nervousness in the baby. Babies from two weeks to three months are the most prone to suffer from these mild inconveniences, a source of discomfort for the infant and stress for the parents.

infant colic

How to recognize infant colic?

The infant does not express himself with words but uses a language that we must learn to decode to understand what he is telling us. When he wants to eat, when he is sleepy or when he is sick, crying allows him to express his needs or ask for special attention.
So if you observe that your baby's behavior has changed rapidly, that he has gas or a bloated belly accompanied by crying, colic is to be suspected. During the attacks of colic, the face of the infant turns all red, his legs and arms fold. Sleep is also impacted with more frequent awakenings followed by inconsolable crying.
These signs should alarm you and make you think that your little one definitely has colic.
In this case, an appointment with your doctor or a pediatrician is the best solution. He can ask you about his diet and check if it is not another dysfunction such as an allergy or constipation. At this age, the digestive system is in full development and its immaturity is the cause of various ailments. Above all, do not panic, colic or even stomach aches in infants are very common things that remain in the vast majority of cases without complications.

How to soothe infant colic

To soothe the pain, some gestural and postural remedies can be beneficial. Place baby on his stomach on your forearm, resting his head in your elbow. The swinging of the legs on each side of the arm helps to soothe it.
Belly heat is also an effective solution. A hot water bottle positioned on the infant's belly on top of a garment does the trick. Check that the temperature is tolerable and pleasant for the baby.
A third solution consists in massaging the baby's belly with circular gestures at the level of the belly. This stimulates intestinal transit and helps digestion.

What treatment for infant colic?

There is no medicine for infant colic. However, you can use a homeopathic treatment on the advice of your doctor or pharmacist.

The homeopathic treatment generally used is as follows:

  • 10 granules of Nux Vomica 9 CH
  • 10 granules of Cuprum Metaalicum 9CH
  • 10 Colcynthis 9 CH granules

Preparation:melt the granules in water and mix the solution in a bottle at each meal for the duration of the attacks.