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Back to college D-1

It's strange this mixture of excitement, present at each return, anxiety (nf:little anxiety) , envy, driven by curiosity and depressed because we know that we will have to get back into the rhythm:schedules, obligations, fatigue, shopping...

So here a few hours before the start of the new school year at the big college (and in CM2, don't forget the P'tit Grand), we're looking at the countdown and the list of tasks:

  • Hairdresser at home, yes it's classy but in the meantime it's very practical:in 1 hour everyone passes, no one complains and we have good coffee
  • Supplies ok (except this damn 7×11 directory with hard-to-find spirals and two or three other gizmos, which I intend to find by working with the small local business, aka the neighborhood Stationery)
  • Medical certificates, it's for this morning, let's meet so that the P'tit can play sports again...
  • Room storage:mouhahahahaha (sorry). It's very simple, even the remote control for the P'tit shutter was under 2 layers of paper/books/toys and I couldn't see the parquet anymore! It is now much better.
  • Registrations for extra-curricular activities:I only have the P’tit left if the Doctor gives him the agreement. He will be boxing! He convinced me, the Man assured me that they don't hit their heads at these ages... and deep down I know he's going to love it...
  • Opening of the telephone line and purchase of the sacrosanct device:it's done. I'll write you a post on the subject on Friday.
  • Pass Navigo for the schoolgirl… that’s nonsense. I started early, in July, but obviously it takes 3 weeks of delays and ESPECIALLY you have to attach a school certificate to the "paper" file (long live 2.0). Knowing that school is compulsory until the age of 16, someone will have to explain to me why this document, which I therefore cannot have before the start of the school year, in order to be able to obtain a pass which I will pay for but do not have JUST for the start of the school year. I'm a little annoyed, I have to admit. We will start with tickets… TOO PRACTICAL.
  • Managing anxiety attacks:euphytosis , balanced diet, abdominal breathing, Essential Oil of Lavender, yoga, meditation, installation of video surveillance cameras throughout the journey, recruitment of a bodyguard (black belt in karate 5th dan)…

She ? She opted for other relaxation techniques:ice cream, movies in the evening since our return from vacation, video games, dates with friends, sleeping in, proper zoning.

And I assure you:SHE IS WELL.

(I'm seriously considering having her cover her books on Thursday night, she'll be less clever)

Heartfelt thoughts of compassion to my blogging mom friends, who like me, whose children are heading back to college this year:Elisa, Serena, Sandra, Nipette, Aurélie, Natacha, and then super dad Till The Cat.

And to all of you moms. Happy back to school tomorrow to all our children! Go hop hop hop to work!