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Decorating your home for aging well

Decorating your home for aging well

When retirement arrives, most people are still very alert and in great shape. However, if this change of life is concomitant with a move to a new home, it is important to anticipate and choose a home suitable for seniors.

Sometimes it will be necessary to make some adjustments or to furnish in a more practical way.

The essentials of senior housing

The choice of a place to spend your retirement must meet a few basic criteria, without which you will be bored later when your agility is less.

First of all, you have to opt for a one-storey house or an apartment with a lift :older, it becomes very difficult to climb the stairs especially to reach his bedroom. Otherwise, you will have to install a stairlift, which represents a relatively large budget, and which is less practical.

If you have a large family, children and grandchildren, plan at least one additional bedroom, called a guest bedroom, in order to be able to accommodate your loved ones, especially if they live a little far away. If you do not have the means to equip it with a complete bedroom, you can put an old sofa bed or, better, buy a latest generation inflatable mattress whose price is very low in terms of comfort. offered.

In the bathroom, favor the shower, if possible Italian, which allows access to it without having to step over a higher or lower edge. Don't forget to install a grab bar and non-slip floor.

In the event that you have to redo the electricity or if you buy new, install as many sockets as possible at the height of the switches:this will make it easier for you to make the connections rather than having to bend down to ground level.

Review and rethink the lighting, not only to avoid falling into a poorly lit corner but also because reading will increasingly require good lighting over the years:this is the one of the main reasons for the decline in reading among seniors.

Fall protection systems

Falls can have serious consequences for the elderly, and lead to dependence preventing them from continuing to live at home. Therefore, it is better to prevent this risk of falling, which is increased with age by poorer eyesight, less flexibility, all of which is more or less aggravated by taking certain medications.

To avoid tripping over the carpet and the electric wires, they should be removed or fixed perfectly:with double-sided tape for the former, with jumpers for the latter, always favoring connections without Wifi or Bluetooth type wire.

Be sober in the furniture so as not to clutter the rooms and, as far as possible, prefer furniture with rounded edges:if you bump into them, you will avoid large bruises. Choose armchairs with a fairly high seat because it will be more difficult over time to get up from a very low deckchair, for example!

Find the little night lights you used when your grandchildren came to sleep at home and were afraid of total darkness:plug them in on your route between the bed and the toilet to light up the circuit at night.

Keep the list of emergency numbers available:we all know them but in a rush, with the emotion that accompanies it, it is better to take all the precautions...