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Pants for boys:a puzzle to choose well?

Pants for boys:a puzzle to choose well?

Are you the dad, the mom, the grandfather, the grandmother of a little boy? If you are like us with our two wags, you know that it is not always very easy to dress them. Depending on the character of the child, according to his age, according to the season, according to fashion, there are so many possible choices that we sometimes lose patience. Which top, which bottom, which shoes? And then they grow up quickly too, so we often have to renew our children's wardrobes. When it's not because of a hole in the pants, which also happens regularly in joggings after playing at school, at the leisure center, in the park with friends or after an uncontrolled fall...

Contents 1 Choosing pants for boys 1.1 Types of pants for boys 1.2 Materials 1.3 Cut 1.4 Colors 1.5 Prices 1.6 Brands 1.7 Other criteria

In short, follow us in a little exploration of the criteria for choosing pants for boys throughout this article.

Choosing pants for boys

So, in our opinion, to choose the right pants for boys, there are a whole host of criteria to look at. Unless of course you simply want to renew an existing pair of pants, in the same brand and with the same model, which greatly simplifies the task... On the other hand, all that remains is to find the brand and the ideal cut that corresponds to your child in order to be able to opt for this approach.

This is also where the “brand” criterion plays an important role as a selection criterion:indeed, if the values ​​of a brand correspond to your selection criteria, you risk easily and quickly opting for this approach. by brand. For example, if your selection criteria are around promotions or prices, you will probably opt for children's ready-to-wear brands well known for their aggressive price positioning, even if it means not being careful on the spot. workmanship or quality.

Conversely, you may have more selective criteria (see elitists), which will push you to opt for a brand that manufactures quality products (like Deeluxe boys' pants, which we take as an example below), possibly “made in France”, in organic cotton or from recycled materials, this time even if it means not being careful about the prices. Or perhaps you have an intermediate approach depending on the articles, or by opting for “intermediate” brands whose values ​​correspond to yours. Or your selection criterion is the beauty of the product:as long as it is fashionable, you will fall for it!

Types of pants for boys

  • Jeans :essential, the resistant pants par excellence, timeless and available in all cuts, colors and sizes to match your boy
  • Joggers :probably the favorite garment of toddlers, but also of older ones! Indispensable for sports, for the home or for any “casual” occasion
  • Chinos :more chic, while remaining quite flexible and pleasant to wear, it has a fashionable aspect and is worn very well for big boys or for special occasions
  • Pants :it's not really pants anymore 😉
  • Cargo pants :a little less common, and yet a very good compromise of comfort and style with their side pockets, these pants deserve to be worn more. Example:

Pants for boys:a puzzle to choose well?


Cotton ! And if possible organic cotton, which is growing more and more. There is necessarily a mix with other materials in the pants (excluding shorts and jogging possibly), but it is generally the most common material, pleasant to wear, quite resistant and breathable.

The cut

Tight cut to be fashionable or looser cut to be more comfortable to wear? It is according to the morphology of the child and the type of pants chosen that you will have to make your choice, to be adapted on a case-by-case basis.

The colors

The rule for colors is quite simple:rather light and colorful for summer, rather plain and dark for winter, but nothing prevents you from not respecting this trend and putting more cheerfulness in your choices!


The price is not always synonymous with quality, even if you are still more likely to buy a quality product by not opting for a “first price”. The brand is not always a guarantee of quality either, it is best to refer to customer reviews, and to touch to check the quality of a garment, its seams and its finishes.


We talked about it a bit above, brands are good points of reference for choosing pants that correspond to our values, but we must always remain vigilant that the quality remains there after a new collection.

Other criteria

Finally, beyond all these criteria, it may be interesting to look at the place of manufacture (France, Europe, Asia, etc.), the labels (eco-tex for example), any guarantees from the brand or the retailer.

That's it, you now have a good panorama in mind to choose the boys' pants you need!