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Professional retraining after 50:how to proceed?

Professional retraining after 50:how to proceed?

Many situations can be at the origin of a desire for professional retraining after 50 years. The fact of being unemployed, first of all, because, after this age, seniors unfortunately become the “unloved” of the labor market. Their chances of finding a job are generally diminishing, as companies want to rejuvenate their workforce more. Then, a working senior aged 50 and over may want to completely change career paths after having worked around their skills in the same position for many years. Or, on the contrary, after the age of 50, an employee may wish to put his skills to use for a project by, for example, creating his own company. So many possible situations of professional retraining. But how to do it after 50 years? Overview of the tools available to begin this professional shift.

Use your personal training account (CPF) to start a professional retraining after 50 years

Professional retraining, even after the age of 50, is most often synonymous with the need and the need to train in a new field or to improve one's skills in order to be able to materialize a desire for a change of profession.

Active people (employees in the private sector, liberal professions, self-employed, unemployed, etc.) wishing to train with the aim of starting a professional career have their personal training account (CPF) at their disposal to be able to follow qualifying training. or certifying which can help them to flourish in another field of activity than the one in which they have evolved perhaps throughout their career.

Each active person has their own CPF on which they accumulate rights throughout their working life, now expressed in euros, which allow them to finance and follow the training of their choice. A solution not to be overlooked when considering a professional retraining after 50 years in particular.

Skills assessment and validation of acquired experience (VAE) to make professional retraining a reality

The wish to pass the course of a professional retraining after 50 years is often the fruit of a point realized on his past career and of a reflection on his desires for the years which remain to be carried out until his retirement.

Several tools help to analyze both professional and personal skills, a significant asset when considering a professional retraining and to avoid making mistakes in future choices.

The skills assessment is one of these tools that can be carried out with a service provider specialized in the subject. Its financing can be ensured by the personal training account (CPF). The purpose of the skills assessment is either to build a new professional project and gauge its relevance, or to define different alternatives for professional retraining in line with their skills and desires for a new professional career, business creation, even after 50 years.

Another interesting tool when considering a professional retraining after 50 years:the validation of acquired experience (VAE). The VAE makes it possible, after a long experience in a sector of activity, to obtain a certification which validates and recognizes one's achievements and knowledge. A validation that is often useful and reassures future professional contacts when you want to change jobs or career paths.

It is recommended to be accompanied by a specialized organization to start a VAE. On the other hand, an employee can benefit from a specific leave to carry out this validation of his achievements. The VAE can be financed by the CPF or benefit from financial aid from their employer, a skills operator (OPCO) or the regional council of their place of residence.

The professional retraining of employees:think about the professional interview

An employee aged 50 and over who is considering a professional retraining can also take advantage of the professional interview, a mandatory meeting every 2 years with his employer, to discuss his desires for professional development.

A professional retraining can indeed take the form of a change of position within your company. A position that may sometimes require specific training to take on new functions.

This interview is also the opportunity to necessarily address various points related to a possible professional retraining:professional development in terms of qualification and employment of the employee; the follow-up of its training, certification and salary or professional progression actions; assessment of their employability, i.e. their chances of finding work with another employer; as well as the question of his future, including possibly his professional project.

Get help in your professional retraining thanks to the “Professional Development Advice (CEP)” scheme

All employees, self-employed, civil servants, unemployed, liberal professions, micro-entrepreneurs, etc., can benefit, on their own initiative, from what is called a Professional Development Council (CEP).

This is a free and personalized support system offered to people who wish to take stock of their professional situation and in particular consider retraining.

The CEP consists of a free interview carried out by an authorized organization (for example for employees by Pôle emploi, the Association for the employment of executives (Apec), a Local Mission for young people, the CAP emploi for people in disability, or even a regional operator chosen by France competences).

The services of the CEP are concretely the following:an individual interview to analyze his professional situation, advice to define his professional project, and support in the implementation of his project.