Looking for a new idea for decorating your Easter eggs?
Then you've come to the right place!
Every Easter we discover fun new ways to paint eggs.
This year, to make our Easter eggs, we chose to paint them with shaving foam.
Yes, shaving foam! It's weird but it's super simple and quick to do and the result is awesome.
When you paint your Easter eggs with shaving foam, children can participate and have fun with it.
And the advantage is that cleaning up after activity is even easier, thanks to the shaving foam.
And the second good thing about using shaving foam as paint for Easter eggs is that it's really cheap!
You can find shaving foam in most stores for less than €2.
Be careful, take shaving foam and not a shaving gel because the result will not be identical.
So here's how to color eggs with shaving cream to make beautiful Easter eggs. Watch:
- boiled eggs
- shaving foam
- food coloring
- toothpicks
- flat glass container
- paper towel
1. Get out the food coloring, a can or two of shaving foam and the flat-bottomed glass container.
2. Spray the shaving cream into the bottom of your glass container. 2 or 3 cm thick shaving foam is enough.
3. Distribute the shaving foam well evenly so that the dyes do not slide off the edges and do not all mix in the middle.
4. Choose as many colors as you want. In my opinion, 2-4 colors are enough. Otherwise, if there are too many colors, they end up mixing and turning into an ugly green brown.
5. Randomly drip a few drops of food coloring onto the layer of shaving foam. The more chance you have, the better the colors will blend.
6. Take a thin toothpick, a small narrow stick or a lollipop stick. Slide it into the shaving foam in random lines. By drawing large swirls and curls, you will get a nice layering effect.
7. Once you have achieved the curves you want, put the egg in the shaving cream by placing it on the end of the container.
8. Gently roll the egg in a straight line from one edge of the container to the other.
9. Carefully pick up the egg and place it carefully on a piece of cardboard so that it does not roll.
10. Leave the egg until the shaving foam begins to dry. Usually 5-10 min is enough.
11. Clean the egg with a paper towel, gently removing the shaving foam from the egg. Don't worry, the food coloring magic has already worked. Watch:
There you go, your colored Easter eggs are already ready :-)
Easy, fast and fun, right?
You can now appreciate your artistic work and especially that of your children!
I can tell you that my children loved every moment of this activity. With the shaving foam, they had fun at every step:getting the foam out of the bomb, spreading it, coloring it...
What they liked the most was rolling the eggs in the foam and discovering the end result of their work.
So you too, have a good time with your children and share this activity with your family. It's great fun!
For sure, with these great decorations you will have the most beautiful homemade decorative Easter eggs.
- Take a glass saucepan, a bowl with a flat bottom or a gratin dish to roll the eggs in. You can just as well use a metal container if you don't have a glass one. But the glass has the advantage of not catching the color as the small roughnesses of the metal containers could do.
- You can follow the instructions on the back of the food coloring packet to have fun creating new colors. But be sure to do it in a glass cup or small bowl to avoid staining.
- As a reminder, it is important that it is shaving foam and not shaving gel.
- You must cook your eggs first before starting this activity.
It is better to avoid eating the eggs painted with shaving foam, because the shell of the egg is porous and the ingredients composing the shaving foam can permeate the egg.
If you want to eat your painted eggs and you're worried about the shaving foam penetrating the eggshell, you can substitute it with whipped cream mixed with food coloring.
So when you're done decorating, you'll enjoy using your ready-made eggs to make salad and egg sandwiches, potato salad, and all the fun recipes you can make with hard-boiled eggs!