Swearing in front of your children is often considered a pedagogical error.
But is it really that bad to swear in front of your children?
Not necessarily!
We will see that parents who swear in front of their children also have qualities.
"The other day, we learned to write sounds like in, ain, ein... The instruction was to complete the sound 'ain' with one or more letters to make it into a word like bread, buddy, hand, tomorrow..." .
Hmmm... Smiling politely, I listened to my daughter's third grade teacher, knowing full well what was to come. But you too, you can imagine, dear reader...
The mistress continued:"And then your daughter said 'you know mistress if we add PUT in front...' I then quickly intervened, 'Uh no... it's a very bad idea, we're not going to do that ! »
I confess that this story made me smile.
I know the normal reaction would have been to panic at the idea of my 6 year old daughter spelling the word F*TAIN in elementary school.
But the truth is, I don't consider swear words a taboo subject.
By saying this, I'm not trying to sound hip or casual...I just like to swear.
I've liked it since I studied it in linguistics in college. Yes, yes, linguistics studies all forms of language, including swearing.
And I can tell you that swearing fascinates me.
In a study titled The Science of Swearing , psychologists have shown that in fact swearing has very little effect on children and people in general.
They showed that a word by itself, whatever it is, is not harmful. The degree of nuisance is determined by how the word is used.
For example, if you use swear words to verbally and emotionally attack your children, calling your child a lil' asshole, then YOU are a f*cking asshole who doesn't deserve to be a parent.
On the other hand, if you stub your toe in front of your child and your reaction is to scream P*TAAAINNNN!
So congratulations! You are just normal!
I swear in front of my kids. And I don't forbid them to say it.
What I tell them is to avoid saying it at school or when they talk to their friends.
And above all, I told them that they should never use swear words to refer to other people.
But basically, swearing at home isn't much of a problem. And I don't think they're any the worse for it.
Here are the 7 qualities of parents who say bad words in front of their children:
We do not go there on tiptoe to tackle delicate subjects. No marshmallow explanations. No simpering. No watered down versions.
Imagine the number of unintended pregnancies that would be avoided if, at home, we addressed issues related to sex frankly?
For example, if you sleep with a girl or a boy without wearing condoms, you can catch an STD which sometimes forms viscous scabs full of germs...
As a result, your vagina or your penis is Chernobyl!
When I love something – coffee, wine, art or pain au chocolat – I really fucking love it!
It's true that I celebrate life with swear words...
But what better can you teach your children than to be passionate about life and all the gifts it offers?
I don't care how I am perceived. I don't mind saying NO to people.
I don't care if anyone thinks I'm a bitch when I speak up about things like hate, discrimination and bigotry.
I take full responsibility when it comes to defending my daughters and their rights. It's called having self-confidence guys!
I use swear words to help me express my feelings. Whether they are happy or not.
Nothing better than a good fuck well placed to feel better and free.
By saying bad words when I'm going through difficult situations, I'm less likely to build up pressure and overreact afterwards...
It's a good way to avoid violence in all its forms.
I think this is a good lesson for children.
For me, they must be able to express their emotions in a constructive and cathartic way.
And if swearing helps them, then why not!
Anyone who mess with my children will be shattered into a million pieces by my sharp words.
I challenge anyone to be a *** to my kids.
And I think that's the kind of support kids need.
Parents who use swear words are often very good at telling funny and endearing stories.
Teaching your child how to tell a good and exciting story is a gift that will help him compose his homework in college.
It will help them give a great presentation in their history class. And it will also help them to pass professional interviews.
Parents who don't mind placing a few whores here and there surely have an open, non-judgmental mind.
They don't care how they are judged by others. I would even say that they don't even take it into account.
We must teach children to be tolerant, to be empathetic and non-judgmental.
But they also need to be taught that when someone violently criticizes them without basis, they have the right to tell that person to fuck off.
So can we forget the French Academy, good grammar and the rules of elitist linguistics? Certainly not!
But that's not why we should completely banish swear words on a daily basis!
As we have just seen, parents who sometimes say bad words also have qualities.
And if you don't like it, you can fuck yourself;-)
And if the question of fat in children is a thorny subject for you, I recommend these readings for children:
- Camille swears by Nancy Delvaux
- Big funny words from Benoît Marchon
- The swear words of Didier Mounié