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On their divorce day, they share an inspiring smiling selfie

It's an unusual scene for a divorcing couple, seen by passers-by a few weeks ago as they exited a Canadian court. In the snaps, newly divorced Shannon and Chris Neuman can be seen taking a side-by-side selfie with a wide grin.

"We got divorced with Chris Neuman yesterday! But why are we smiling? Yes, we must look crazy doing this,” they write, before explaining the reason for this joy and pride:

"Are we smiling because the person we chose to share our whole life with wasn't actually the perfect person to share our whole life with?" Of course not. We smile because we did something extraordinary (or so we think). We ended this marriage with great respect, listening and honor, so that we could remain good "partners" to take care of our children as well as possible - which was our ultimate goal - and to make sure they never have to choose between the two of us. They'll never have to wonder which side of the room they should run to after their Christmas or end-of-year show. They will not have to fight in the organization of their wedding because we will both be sitting on the same side:theirs. "

We admire the courage of this couple…and Shannon's luck. Because in the absence of falling on the man of her life, she has at least met one who knows how to be respectful in this kind of situation (yes, many women have seen their ex transform in front of the judge, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde). The good news is that while being a parent can be, according to a study, more difficult than a divorce, this couple shows us that being a parent is also what can help to better overcome it – from less for children.