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Here's why caresses are so good

" Zou kiss Kiss! » Whether tender or naughty:we love hugs. But why, in fact? Researchers from University College London have found the reason. If we find that the skins of loved ones are very soft, it is (partly)… an illusion, explain to us the British researchers in an article published in the journal Current Biology.

After asking pairs to caress each other's arms and then caress their partner's arms, scientists realized that the sensations of softness felt when touching the other are created by our nervous system. A way for our body to increase sexual desire and pleasure.

"This illusion points to a crucial unconscious mechanism that occurs in the brain. Because whether the other's skin is softer than ours or not, if I give pleasure to the other (by the caress), I receive it in my turn", explains doctor Aiketerini Fotopoulou, who took go in search. Smart, the body!