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10 men tell us about their complexes

Let it be said:we are not the prerogative of complexes! By looking at advertisements, magazines or others, men also come to say unpleasant things to themselves in the mirror. What if we stopped waging war on our reflections?

“You will hate me but my biggest complex is my weight:I may eat like a pig, but I do not take a gram. When I see guys with big chocolate bars, I feel weak. We too are subjected to these images returned by the pubs! (David, 30)

" My size. I am 1m62 and I have the face of a teenager. Consequence:I am often confined to the "friend zone" and I have to listen to the girls I like telling me about their crush on others..." (Ben, 26 years old)

" My hair ! They are implanted very oddly on the front, with lots of ears, and behind I'm starting to have baldness. I see it rather badly…. I know it's not the right thing to do but I try to hide it as best I can, not badly with hipster-style beanies (or Johnny Depp with his hats." (Antoine, 32 years old)

“In addition to my love handles, I would say my skin… I had a lot of acne when I was a teenager, so I have lots of little scars on my back. I'm always a little scared when I get naked in front of a girl for the first time but usually they don't even see it. And then at worst, I can invent that I am a secret agent and that these are traces of bullets (laughs). (Momo, 28 years old)

“My hairs! I am a real bear. On the legs, it looks like a Hobbit. On the arms, a werewolf. And I'm not even talking about the torso and the back. I tried to shave but it's ugly when it grows back. Hair removal? It hurts too much (I don't know how you endure that). I would like to do laser hair removal but it is too expensive. Maybe one day... In the meantime, I grit my teeth! (Quentin, 28)

" All ! No matter how much I buy stylish clothes and spend a fortune on maintaining my beard, I can't stand my face or my body. Unable to exercise. Every time I try, I get a contracture, tendonitis or whatever. Depressing…” (Romain, 27)

“Before, I had a lot of complexes about my weight! In school, as I stressed and went out a lot, I took a lot of pounds and especially bad eating habits. Over time, and a great friend by my side, I gained confidence and learned to eat something other than McDo (laughs). But if I'm ready to lose weight, become the stereotypical perfect guy, no thanks. I still like to eat too much for that (laughs). (Alex, 31)

“How can I say… I'm 1m65 and I'm a fan of tall girls. Do you see the problem? (laughs)” (Yoan, 26)

“I wish I was one of those tanned, muscular guys. I am pale and dry as a branch of wheat (laughs). (Antoine, 34)

“Okay, when I had my first white hair at 23, I said to myself:'it's life, don't worry. And then it can be sexy. On the other hand, there, the baldness which begins, no thank you. I feel like I see my father in the mirror every time I look at myself! (laughs)” (Dav’, 32 years old)