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15 Little Things Parents Should Do To Make Their Kids Feel Loved.

15 Little Things Parents Should Do To Make Their Kids Feel Loved.

We all have memories of the good times spent with our parents:going to holidays, sharing secrets, doing homework together, etc.

But now that you're a parent, how do you make your child feel loved?

Like many things in life, it is above all the details that make the difference.

Here are 15 things you can do to show your child you love them:

15 Little Things Parents Should Do To Make Their Kids Feel Loved.

1. Turn off your smartphone

When you get home or your child comes home from school, turn off your smartphone.

For at least 30 minutes, give your child your full attention.

It's a simple gesture that will make all the difference.

Indeed, your child will no longer be interrupted by the phone while he tells you about his day at school.

Moreover, the Swedish government has conducted a study on this subject.

The results are worrying:33% of children complain that their parents spend too much time on their smartphone.

2. Turn off the TV and your laptop during meals

How do you expect your kids to have a good time when they have to compete with the TV or their parents checking their smartphones?

A meal is one of those rare times when the whole family is together.

It is important to enjoy this time together and the company of your children.

The benefits are enormous.

First, your child will eat healthier, since the meal will not be rushed.

Plus, he'll enjoy your company more.

Finally, he will be less likely to develop an eating disorder.

3. Turn bedtime into a special ritual

Bedtime is an experience that toddlers especially cherish.

They will always remember the time you took to read them a fairy tale, while they fall asleep.

For children, this experience is reassuring. Plus, it's the perfect opportunity to bond between you and your child.

And, as a bonus, research indicates that the bedtime ritual promotes brain development.

4. Show your affection

Numerous studies indicate that tenderness and warmth have a positive effect on the development of children.

For gestures of affection, a simple kiss or hug a day is enough (no need to do more than necessary).

Your child will feel loved and will have much more self-confidence.

In addition, it reduces the likelihood that your child will become aggressive, asocial and prone to behavioral problems.

On the other hand, teenagers tend to be embarrassed by gestures of affection.

Therefore, you can express your tenderness with words of encouragement and compassion.

5. Spend quality time with each child

If you have multiple children, try to spend some quality, one-on-one time with each child.

For the child, it is a wonderful moment. He'll feel like he's really special — undisturbed by his siblings.

No matter the choice of activity:sports activity, cooking or even helping you with a task.

The main thing is to be alone with your child.

This is truly one of the best ways to show your love and tenderness towards your child.

6. Educate your children with love and tenderness

Unfortunately, for many parents, discipline is limited to a spanking or a slap.

But this behavior has strong negative consequences for your child.

In particular, the child learns that violence is an acceptable and effective way to manage a disagreement or a conflict.

To educate your child well, you must not "extinguish" your love when he misbehaves.

Indeed, your child must feel that he will always be loved — even if he made a mistake.

Only then will he understand that his parents' love is truly unconditional.

7. Write tender and funny little words

Writing a short message for your child isn't complicated — and it only takes a minute.

A joke, an SMS, a sweet note on your pillow:it doesn't matter.

The idea is to show your child that you are thinking of him!

8. Look your child in the eye

When talking with your child, the best way to communicate is to look them straight in the eye.

In our time, far too many people have their eyes glued to a screen (smartphone, computer, tablet, etc.).

Therefore, looking someone in the eye has become all the more important.

Your child may need to learn to wait before getting your full attention.

But it is worth learning this behavior.

It also teaches your child to make eye contact — an important behavior as an adult.

9. Smile more often

One of the best signs of your affection is to smile when your child walks into a room.

A smile communicates a lot of important things.

On the one hand, it immediately puts your child at ease.

In addition, it clearly shows him that his presence makes you happy. By seeing your smile, the child knows that his presence is wanted and appreciated.

Admittedly, the times when unwanted behavior needs to be reprimanded are not times for smiling.

But the rest of the time, don't forget to show your love — with a simple smile :-)

10. Be a role model for your children

How many times have you lectured your child on the importance of being polite, wearing their seatbelt, etc.? ?

To pass on these lessons well, parents forget that they must also serve as irreproachable role models for their children.

Indeed, children have this incredible ability to reproduce the gestures and behaviors of their parents.

Therefore, remember to walk the talk!

Be kind and considerate to others, and teach your child to be open-minded.

11. Involve your child in decision-making

Involve your child in decision-making, as soon as possible.

Instead of choosing the clothes he will wear to school, choose them together.

Ask him for his opinion on the destinations of your next family vacation.

It is important that your child feels fully involved and engaged in life's decisions.

And what better way to pass that knowledge on to him than by accompanying him — right from the start?

12. Simply play with your child!

Play:never forget the power of happiness and well-being of this simple activity!

A study of children indicates that they feel they have too many activities and too busy schedules.

However, it is important to allow time out for you and your children.

Sometimes all kids want is to play, laugh and have a good time with their parents!

Therefore, it may be a good idea to limit the number of activities your child has (before he perceives you as a taxi driver).

13. React if your child is unhappy

Your child may have problems at school:a bully who bullies him, a teacher who makes life difficult for him, etc.

If so, take action to show your child you care.

Ask to meet the people involved in the problem in question.

Try to find the cause of your child's worry and anxiety.

If your child is not at fault, this is an opportunity to show him that you are there to help him - and then you will be his hero for life!

Also, don't forget to give your child practical advice on how to deal with bullies who try to bully them.

14. Keep the small gifts that your child gives you

Children love to make small gifts:funny drawings, sweet words, poems, etc.

By keeping these little gifts as if they were real treasures, you show your child all the love you have for him.

Set them aside in a special drawer or box.

Hang his drawings in the office. Then, take a picture of them to show her that you proudly hung them.

You can also take digital photos of all his works of art and store them on a site for free.

From time to time, show the result and the progress of his drawings to your child.

It's an effective way to give him the feeling of having achieved and built something.

Plus, it saves storage space at home!

Click here to find out how to store your photos online for free.

15. NEVER interrupt their stories

When your child talks to you about their day at school, don't interrupt.

Instead, listen to it carefully. The same goes when your child wants to share a book with you.

This is extremely important, as this is how your child will feel loved and wanted.

If your child feels ignored by their parents, it's likely to have adverse effects during adolescence — and even into adulthood.

Therefore, make the effort to listen to your child when he talks to you.

Love and tenderness are the pillars of happiness. By expressing our love for our children every day, we give them the best possible gift.

And you ? How did your parents make you feel loved? Share it with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!