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Take the Christmas Challenge:No More Than 4 Gifts Per Child.

Take the Christmas Challenge:No More Than 4 Gifts Per Child.

Christmas at my house are very different from the Christmases I had when I was small.

My mom showered us with gifts... Too many gifts... and too much money spent.

But when I had my own children, I couldn't imagine a Christmas otherwise.

So when I became a mom myself, I did the same thing as my mother:dozens of gifts offered and hundreds of euros spent!

Take the Christmas Challenge:No More Than 4 Gifts Per Child.

It wasn't until a year after my divorce that I realized how crazy and out of control my Christmas shopping had gotten.

That year, not only did my children get a dozen gifts from me...

But they got a lot of it from their father...from their grandmother, from their aunts and their uncles.

My kids received so many gifts that you could cover them in gifts from head to toe!

The worst part is that if you asked them what they got for Christmas, they didn't even remember a single one of their presents!

In 2011, I put an end to the Christmas shopping frenzy and told my children that they would only receive 4 presents from me. Only 4 , no more.

Take the Christmas Challenge:No More Than 4 Gifts Per Child.

Obviously, I told myself that they were not going to appreciate it at all and that they were going to make war on me in return...

But in fact, not at all! They accepted without flinching!

So now every Christmas my kids get the 4 types of gifts you see listed below.

And here's what came out of it: my children are more grateful for the gifts they receive.

They remember every gift and we now spend more time together as a family instead of spending time picking up the wrapping paper!

So, are you also going to take up this challenge for Christmas? Remember, no more than 4 gifts per child:

1. A thing they want.

2. Something they need.

3. Something to wear.

4. Something to read.

I think you'll be surprised how your children will react to this new type of gift!

You will see, you will save money and less waste.

And your children will always be so happy!