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Disposable Or Cloth Diapers? Which Are More Economical?

Disposable Or Cloth Diapers? Which Are More Economical?

So washable diapers or disposable diapers?

When you become a parent, this is a question we often ask ourselves!

And the answer is not that obvious...

Especially if you are interested in the price!

We all know that disposable diapers are a major source of pollution, but that it's practical...

So are washable diapers really cheaper and more economical than disposable diapers?

Let's do the math together to compare precisely and see more clearly. Watch:

Disposable Or Cloth Diapers? Which Are More Economical?

Comparison of disposable and washable diapers

Let's get out the calculator to solve this little math problem!

A child is clean day and night around the age of 3, on average.

In the 1st year, a baby consumes about 7 diapers a day, i.e. 7x365 =2555 diapers.

The 2nd year, 5 diapers per day, i.e. 5x365 =1825 diapers.

The 3rd year more than 2 diapers per day, i.e. 2x365 =730 diapers.

In total, your child will consume 5110 nappies during the first 3 years of its life.

A disposable diaper costs at least €0.20 (and much more for brands such as Pampers).

So you have to spend 5110x0.20 =€1022 on disposable diapers.

And this amount is just for the 1st child!

If you have a second one (like most French people), we double this amount, which gives 2044€.

Right now, that's quite a diaper budget!

In comparison, a complete pack of 30 washable diapers requires a very large budget of €500 .

This includes protective sheets, and bamboo inserts to protect cloth diapers.

Disposable Or Cloth Diapers? Which Are More Economical?

€500 savings with washable diapers

So, if we do our accounts, €1022 - €500 =€522 in savings!

It's not every day you can save so much money, is it?

And that's only for the first child!

For the second child, and the following, no need to invest again:0€ for the 2nd child , the 3rd...

Not to mention that you can always resell a second-hand batch of washable diapers on leboncoin (about 200€) when the children are (finally) clean.

As a result, washable diapers are much more economical and ecological than disposable diapers.

Without forgetting that now, washable diapers are super pretty! There's something for everyone!

And besides, maintenance is not that complicated!

Not convinced yet?

So, let's now see together 5 misconceptions about washable diapers:


Disposable Or Cloth Diapers? Which Are More Economical?

1. I'm going to have poop on my hands

No parent wants poop on their hands...

Even if it's their beloved baby's!

Unfortunately, disposable diapers or washable diapers:same fight...

In case of baby diarrhea, poo on the hands is inevitable!

2. I'll have to make more machines

This is a point that needs to be put into perspective.

Because after all, it's the washing machine that does all the work, right?

3. It's taking too long

It's true that it takes a little time.

But from the moment you decide to do things yourself (cakes for afternoon tea, good food, cosmetics, soap, shampoo, detergent...), it takes time.

Finding an extra 20 minutes to do extra laundry is not impossible.

What if, for example, we spent less time on Facebook?

4. There are leaks

If there are leaks, it may be that the size of the diaper is not suitable for baby.

Once these kinds of details are ironed out, there are no more leaks than with disposable diapers.

Unless we forget to change baby...

In addition, inserts can be added to washable diapers to say goodbye to leaks.

5. It consumes more detergent, water and energy

Did you know that a disposable diaper is the equivalent of a glass of crude oil?

Not to mention all the diaper bleaching chemicals that end up on baby's bottom?

A baby uses just over 4500 diapers in his baby life.

This represents a volume of 35 m2 of waste (the equivalent of his room).

In other words, from his birth until he is clean, baby is already a super polluter!

For a city the size of Strasbourg, this represents more than 6,000 tonnes of dirty diapers incinerated per year.

Mind-blowing, right?

In comparison, a washable diaper is:

- 3.5 times less energy

- 2.3 times less water

- 8.3 times non-renewable raw materials

- 90 times less renewable raw materials

3 rules to follow with washable diapers

Disposable Or Cloth Diapers? Which Are More Economical?

1. Have lots of layers: it is necessary to have at least a stock of 30 washable diapers to avoid galleys.

2. Have a suitable trash can: a simple pedal bin with a built-in bucket does the trick. We only open it to put the dirty nappies in. And to prevent bad odors from spreading in the room, baking soda works wonders. Then all you have to do is empty the bucket directly into the washing machine.

3. Have inserts: an insert is a lining that you put inside the diaper for better absorption and further limit the risk of leakage.

There you go, now you know the advantages of washable diapers over disposable diapers.

All you have to do is make your choice!

Where to find cheap washable diapers?

There are different kinds of washable diapers:TE1, TE2, bamboo, scalable or not...

And a multitude of brands:Hammock, Bambino Mio, Alva Baby, Applecheeks... You can find them in organic stores or here on the Internet.

That said, to save even more money, there are tutorials for making disposable diapers yourself.

Your turn...

Have you tested organic cloth nappies for your baby? Give your opinion in comments. We can't wait to read you!